
Problem running AWAS

Closed this issue · 4 comments


I'm trying to use AWAS using the documentation at I'm having trouble getting AWAS to run, specifically step 2 of Running AWAS.

As a test model, I'm using the following simple example:

package Test
	system A
			send: out data port;
	end A;
	system B
			recv: in data port;
	end B;
	system C
	end C;
	system implementation C.I
			A: system A;
			B: system B;
			A_to_B: port A.send -> B.recv;
	end C.I;
end Test;

As in the instructions I linked above, I instantiate C.I, select C.I from the outline view, and select OSATE -> Sireum HAMR -> Generate AWAS Visualizer from the menu bar. However, contrary to what the instructions suggest, no popup appears asking me to "select a directory to save the generated Awas visualizer". The console tells me Wrote: /home/aadl/Tools/Osate/workspace/test/.IR/Test_C_I_Instance.json, but there appears to be no further output.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I'm using the version of AWAS from the plugin-update-site, as suggested by Section 1.1 of the instructions. I'm running OSATE version 2.8.0.vfinal on a Centos 7 VM.

-Ben Hamlin

thari commented
thari commented

can you please tell me your JRE version? try it in JRE 8.

thari commented

Looks like the Sireum OSATE Plugin was the issue. It was installed, but not the correct version, I guess. I updated to the version on the plugin update site, and now it works.

Interestingly, it looks like I'm also using the wrong JRE version (11), but OSATE, HAMR, AWAS, etc., seem to be working fine. If I run into further issues, I'll try downgrading.

Thanks for your patience,