I use javascript and Nodejs in this project because:

1.) Cross-Platform Compatibility: JavaScript can run on both the client-side (web browsers) and server-side (Node.js). This allows me to build a seamless, responsive user interface and handle server-side logic using a single language.

2.) Real-time Updates: JavaScript, along with technologies like socket.io, enables real-time updates and bid notifications for users. This is crucial in a dynamic environment like an auction platform where timely interactions and notifications are vital.

3.) Scalability: Node.js, with its non-blocking, event-driven architecture, is highly scalable. It can efficiently handle a large number of concurrent connections, making it well-suited for handling auctions with many participants simultaneously.

4.) Performance: JavaScript is known for its speed and efficiency, ensuring smooth and responsive user experiences. This is especially important during high-stress situations like bidding wars in auctions.

5.) Rich Front-End Development: JavaScript has a vast ecosystem of front-end libraries and frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, or Vue.js) that can help me create a visually appealing and interactive user interface

6.) Node.js for Backend: Node.js is an excellent choice for the server-side because it's built to handle I/O-intensive operations efficiently. It's also easy to work with JSON, which is a common data format for web APIs, making it seamless to communicate with the front-end.

7.) Community and Resources: JavaScript and Node.js have large and active developer communities. This means I can find plenty of open-source libraries, modules, and resources to accelerate development and troubleshoot issues.

8.) Ecosystem Integration: JavaScript and Node.js easily integrate with various third-party services, databases, and APIs, allowing me to incorporate other features