
Create PXE bootable Proxmox installation

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Create PXE bootable Proxmox installation

  • 2020-10-26: successfully pxe-installed 6.2
  • 2019-12-30: successfully pxe-installed 6.1
  • 2018-08-27: successfully pxe-installed 5.2
  • 2017-07-11: successfully pxe-installed 5.0 (despite #1)
  • 2017-06-07: successfully ipxe-installed 4.4
  • 2016-12-13: successfully pxe-installed 4.4
  • 2016-09-27: successfully pxe-installed 4.3


  1. download Proxmox VE ISO Installer from Proxmox into a folder somewhere (e.g. /tmp/pve-iso)
  2. run the script pve-iso-2-pxe.sh with the path to the ISO file as parameter (you need to be root or sudo for the loop mount)
  3. the linux26 and initrd.iso.img (including ISO) will copied to the sub-directory pxeboot

iPXE (recommended)

  1. copy/move linux26 and initrd.iso.img to a directory of your webserver (e.g. /var/www/proxmox/${version})
  2. mofiy the ip adress of the server in the following ipxe bootscripct according to your setup:
    set serverip //Modify this to match the ip adress or domain of your webserver
    set pveversion 6.2 //Modify this to match the version you want to install
    set opts "vga=791 video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr ramdisk_size=16777216 rw quiet initrd=initrd.iso.img"
    menu Please choose an operating system to boot
        item normal Install Proxmox
        item debug Install Proxmox (Debug Mode)
    choose --default normal --timeout 5000 target && goto ${target}
        set kernel "${webserver}/proxmox/${pveversion}/linux26 ${opts} splash=verbose proxdebug"
        goto init
        set kernel "${webserver}/proxmox/${pveversion}/linux26 ${opts} splash=silent"
        goto init
    initrd ${webserver}/proxmox/${pveversion}/initrd.iso.img
    chain ${kernel}
  3. embed the bootscript into your ipxe build or start the script from ipxe using the chain command
  4. be happy and think about supporting the great guys at Proxmox!

PXE (HTTP - faster)

  1. on your PXE server, use lpxelinux.0 as pxelinux.0 (overwrite or set filename via DHCP option)
  2. copy/move linux26 and initrd.iso.img to a directory of your webserver (e.g. /var/www/proxmox/${version})
  3. add the following lines to your PXE config file (mind the important parameter ramdisk_size or the initrd won't fit into default memory):
    label proxmox-install-http
            menu label Install Proxmox HTTP
            linux http://${webserver}/proxmox/${version}/linux26
            initrd http://${webserver}/proxmox/${version}/initrd.iso.img
            append vga=791 video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr ramdisk_size=16777216 rw quiet splash=silent
    label proxmox-install-http
            menu label Install Proxmox HTTP (Debug)
            linux http://${webserver}/proxmox/${version}/linux26
            initrd http://${webserver}/proxmox/${version}/initrd.iso.img
            append vga=791 video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr ramdisk_size=16777216 rw quiet splash=silent proxdebug
  4. be happy and think about supporting the great guys at Proxmox!


  1. on your PXE server, create a directory proxmox/${version} in your PXE root directory (e.g. /var/lib/tftpboot/ or /srv/pxe/)

  2. copy/move linux26 and initrd.iso.img to this directory

  3. add the following lines to your PXE config file (mind the important parameter ramdisk_size or the initrd won't fit into default memory):

    label proxmox-install
            menu label Install Proxmox
            linux proxmox/${version}/linux26
            append vga=791 video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr ramdisk_size=16777216 rw quiet splash=silent
            initrd proxmox/${version}/initrd.iso.img
    label proxmox-debug-install
            menu label Install Proxmox (Debug Mode)
            linux proxmox/${version}/linux26
            append vga=791 video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr ramdisk_size=16777216 rw quiet splash=verbose proxdebug
            initrd proxmox/${version}/initrd.iso.img
  4. be happy and think about supporting the great guys at Proxmox!