Google assistant skills for software developers. This includes github commands to get remaing issues or tasks left in the backlog.
- 2
- 1
onboarding paper
#13 opened by siriwans - 6
create diagram
#10 opened by siriwans - 5
- 1
shortcuts research
#12 opened by siriwans - 2
get github api key and learn javascript
#3 opened by siriwans - 3
research available services already deployed on virtual assistant platforms such as Amazon and Google
#7 opened by siriwans - 4
#11 opened by siriwans - 1
make it work on a google home device
#8 opened by siriwans - 1
reorganize the commands
#9 opened by siriwans - 1
- 0
create project on google's actions console
#5 opened by siriwans - 0
learn more about the github api
#4 opened by siriwans - 1
create webhook for first command
#2 opened by siriwans