
a bible reader for vim

Primary LanguageVim Script


A bible reader for vim. It uses diatheke to access sword modules.


You have two commands. Both will prompt you for your choice.

  • :call FindInBible() will open a horizontal window
  • :call VFindInBible() will open a vertical window
  • :call PasteVerse() will paste a bible verse

For more information on these commands see the documentation.


With pathogen it's just a matter of git clone:

cd $HOME/.vim/bundle
git clone https://github.com/sirjofri/vim-biblereader.git

If you use submodules:

cd $HOME/.vim/bundle
git submodule add https://github.com/sirjofri/vim-biblereader.git

You need to have sword installed. It contains the diatheke command. On Arch Linux you can use pacman -S sword.

You can find sword modules here: link


Beerware. If you want you can give me some gift. (I prefer dark german beer.)