Kran Otomatis: ESP8266/ESP32 dengan Firebase Realtime Database


  • Connects to WiFi using provided SSID and password.
  • Authenticates with Firebase using user email and password.
  • Reads humidity using a DHT sensor and sends data to Firebase.
  • Reads water level using an ultrasonic sensor and sends data to Firebase.
  • Listens for infrared remote commands and acts accordingly.
  • Controls a servo motor to open/close the faucet based on commands or Firebase data.
  • Reads and updates the faucet status ("on" or "off") from Firebase.


  • ESP8266/ESP32 microcontroller
  • DHT sensor (D4)
  • Ultrasonic sensor (D8, D7)
  • Servo motor
  • Infrared receiver (D5)


  • Arduino IDE
  • Firebase libraries: FirebaseESP8266/FirebaseESP32, TokenHelper, RTDBHelper
  • DHTesp library (for DHT sensor)
  • IrSignal library (for infrared receiver)
  • HCSR04 library (for ultrasonic sensor)

Code Structure:

  • Setup:
    • Connects to WiFi.
    • Initializes Firebase with API key, user credentials, and database URL.
    • Sets up DHT sensor and infrared receiver.
  • Loop:
    • Reads humidity and sends data to Firebase.
    • Reads water level and sends data to Firebase.
    • Listens for infrared commands and updates servo position accordingly.
    • Reads faucet status from Firebase and updates servo position if needed.

Explanation of key sections:

  • Firebase configuration: Set your WiFi credentials, API key, database URL, user email, and password in the defined constants.
  • Sensor data reading: Use dht.getHumidity() for humidity and distanceSensor.dist() for water level. Send data to Firebase with Firebase.setInt().
  • Infrared commands: Use receiver->receive() to listen for commands. Decode the received data and take appropriate actions (e.g., update servo position).
  • Servo control: Set the sudut_servo variable based on desired position (e.g., 90 for closed, 180 for open). Update the servo with myservo.write(sudut_servo).
  • Firebase data reading/writing: Use Firebase.getString() to read values and Firebase.setInt() or Firebase.setString() to update values in the database.

Additional notes:

  • This is a basic explanation. Modify the code according to your specific needs and hardware setup.
  • Refer to the documentation of the used libraries for more details on their functionalities.

I hope this README helps you understand the code and set up your own automated faucet system!