Panopticon (or Menagerie)

This project allows users to register and view, buy and read books. The database used here is Elasticsearch.



  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • JDK 17
  • Docker

First, clone this repo to any folder on your pc. Second, open the cloned repo in your IDEA and run the docker-compose file by either typing docker-compose up in your terminal or via IDEA's interface. Finally, run the main classes.

No other setup is required. However, users database may not be created on the docker-compose run, in case of such an inconvenience you have to look up postgresql's container id by running docker ps. After that, copy the container id for postgres and run the following command docker exec -it <container id here>. After that just type create database users; in the command prompt and restart the UserMicroservice.

And that's it! If you want to test just the UI alone, you only need to go to localhost:9090 in any browser of your choice. If you're here to work with microservices, move on to the next section of this readme to find out how to authenticate!


To authenticate, just hit that localhost:8000/auth/authenticate url with a POST request with the following body:

  "login": "admin",
  "password": "password"

You'll get a JWT with SUPER_USER set of authorities that will grant you access to any resource you wish to reach. If you want to create a normal user, you can easily register yourself as one by sending a POST request on localhost:8000/auth/register with similar body like this:

  "email": "",
  "username": "mbj",
  "password": "coolpassword",
  "firstName": "Michael",
  "lastName": "Jackson"

Note that lastName is not necessary to provide, but if you do, make sure it's not blank. You should receive a confirmation mail on the email address you've specified. After following the provided link, you can authenticate just like with the admin user. Also note that login property can be either email or username.