Getting Started

System Prerequisites

$ sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv libpq-dev python-all-dev libffi-dev

The python-virtualenv system package provides, unsurprisingly, the Python virtualenv package. It is used to isolate groups of third-party libraries and allows for multiple Python projects with conflicting dependencies to be developed in parallel. libpq-dev is important for some sub-package compilation. python-all-dev provides some Python.h headers. libffi-dev needed for cryptography.

Prepare Environment

$ source

This will set some environment variables, create and activate a Python virtualenv and install the dependencies found in requirements.txt. Activating the virtualenv changes where your shell locates the python and pip executables and changes where Python locates installed packages. You can see how all of this is works by examining The virtualenv does not need to be created in any particular place and will respect an already activated virtualenv. You might consider looking at virtualenvwrapper (available on Ubuntu via $ sudo apt-get install virtualenvwrapper) as another way to manage your virtualenvs.

The project dependencies may change from time to time. To trigger a reinstall, supports a -i flag:

$ source -i

To reset your environment to its state before sourceing the environment script, simply run:

$ deactivate

Boto Config

The Ansible module this project uses to run instances in EC2 uses the Python library boto. It will need a set of AWS credentials to run those instances. Boto can be configured in a number of ways as described here. The simplest method is probably to put them in ~/.boto in the format mentioned in that document.


$ ansible -m ping localhost

If all is working, you should see some output that indicates ansible was able to run the ping module on localhost.



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