
Pytorch implementation of Fast Style Transfer

Primary LanguagePython


Implementation of Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution using pytorch.


You can see larger result images in result/city


How to run


python train.py --trn_dir='data/train' --style_path='style/abstract_1.png', --lambda_s=500000


python test.py --weight_path='weight/abstract_1.weight', --content_path='content/city.png' --output_path='result/abstract_1.png'

Implementation tips

1. lambda_s

The loss function is loss = lambda_c * content_loss + lambda_s * style_loss
lambda_s has a heavy influence on the result images. Following is the list of value I used.

Style image lambda_s
abstract_1 1e+5
abstract_2 1e+5
abstract_3 1e+5
abstract_4 3e+5
composition 2e+5
fantasy 5e+5
monet 5e+5
picaso 1e+5
rain_princess 1e+5
sketch 5e+5
war 3e+5
wave 5e+5

2. Normalization

In this implementation, pretrained VGG is used. You can use it easily because pytorch provides it. Normalization with mean and std which were used in training VGG is necessary to get a best result. All images(training images, content images, style images and result images of TransformationNet before going into VGG) are normalized with mean = (0.485, 0.456, 0.406) and std = (0.229, 0.224, 0.225).