First Puzzle, General Programming

Write a web page that parses the attached JSON data and displays three address books; one for patients, one for nurses, and one for doctors. The names should be sorted by surname and grouped by Ward where available. Example output:

Patients [Ward 1 - 02 4229 1775] Cheryl Adams Christina Adams George Adams Helen Adams ...

Nurses [Ward 1 - 02 4229 1775] Nicole Campbell Roy Hunt Jesse Johnson: 04 4824 3929 Robin Kelley ...

Doctors Beverly Allen: 04 1376 1307 Paul Andrews: 04 5929 1934 Tammy Bailey: 04 1369 3934

This is not expected to be production code, but if you take any deliberate shortcuts please include a comment. The solution should be a single HTML page with JavaScript and CSS included. You may choose to embed the contents of the provided JSON file as a string or provide a way for the user to upload the file. Please also include any sketches if relevant.

Second Puzzle, UI Design

Assuming the following constraints: • Multiple Nurses work on a given Ward and work in shifts: 00:00 - 08:30, 08:00 - 16:30, 16:00 - 00:30 • Multiple patients are admitted to a given ward on any particular day • One or more Nurses are assigned to each patient for every shift

Design a screen or a number of screens for a touch-interface that allows Nurses to be assigned to Patients for each shift for a given day. Document any assumptions that you make. Create mock-ups using whatever tools you like (hand-drawn, HTML, etc).