
Monitoring OLT/ONU

Primary LanguagePython

Monitoring for ZTE OLT C320

This is simple scripts which collect data from (multiple) OLT devices, for each connected ONU and saves it into 2 format:

  • Json file, which can be exported by Zabbix Agent (using UserParameter)
  • MySQL database for future integration with billing (billing is not a part of this project)

Zabbix template is included

How it works

Script is running periodically from cron or any other timer. It collect data using telnet connection to the OLTs, because:

  • There is no public SNMP OIDs, so I cam't use SNMP
  • Also, there is information that SNMP implementation has memory leaks at least for ZTE C320 v 1.3
  • CPU is not powerfull so I do not want to use ssh, and this script should be used only on private management networ, not over public internet

How to install

  • Install and configure Zabbix Agent on host which has private connection to the OLT(s), install jq tool and the follwing Python modules: scrapli, json, argparse, pymysql. For Python modules you can use pip3 or deb/rpms depends on your Linux distro.
  • Download source code
git clone https://github.com/sirmax123/zabbix-zte-c320.git
  • Copy zabbix-scripts folder to place you are usung for such scropts, e.g. /usr/local/zabbix-scripts
  • Configure devices and mysql credentials in files config.json and mysql.json. 
Note: Config file names are passed to the script using parameters, so you can rename files or move to any other location
  • Configure Zabbix Agent: copy UserParameter-ZTE.conf file to the Zabbix Agent configuration folder, e.g. /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d and restart zabbix agent, systemctl restart zabbix-agent
  • Configure MySQL, create database and user/password and create table: mysql -u<USER_NAME> -p<PASSWORD> <DATABASE_NAME> < pon.sql. Note: name of table MUST be same as you set in mysql.json for pon_table
  • Execute script manually (but you can use your own config files and output dir)
/usr/local/zabbix-scripts/zte_olt.py -c /usr/local/zabbix-scripts/config.json  -o /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d -m /usr/local/zabbix-scripts/mysql.json 2>/var/log/zte-olt.err

And check file /var/log/zte-olt.err for errors.

  • Output dir -o /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d must match path defined in the Zabbix Agent configuration (UserParameter-ZTE.conf)
  • Check iffile with ONU data is created (zte.json in the folder defined as output, /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d in this example) File size depends of number of active ONUs on all listed devoces
  • Check Zabbix Agent configuration with command: zabbix_get -s -k zte_olt[,SIGNAL_LEVEL_DOWN_ATTENUATION], but replace parameters to your own: is OLT ip address, 1/1/1:5 is interface number where ONU is configured and active.

If everething is OK, continue to the Zabbix Server configuration

Zabbix Server

  • Export template Template-ZTE-C320-ONU.xml
  • Add template to host where script is installed


  • Configure cron (or any other periodic execution like systemd timer) to execute script periodicaly based on cron/zte example file.
