
Some scripts and other stuff to use in frontend

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Frontend assets

Some simple little things to use in frontend.

px - partial loading (jquery plug-in)

By using markup in html, the scrips can automaticly load partials on a page. The fetched partial replaces current content of target element. The fetched partial can define additional targets, partials within partials within partials …

The script automaticly loads partial specified by data-px-url.

<script src="jquery.px.js"></script>
<div data-px-url="path/to/partial.html">Content will be replaced</div>
<div data-px-url="path/to/another/partial.html">Content will be replaced</div>

It also supports links that loads partials into any target element, by using data-px-href and data-px-target.

<script src="jquery.px.js"></script>
<div id="my_target">Content will be replaced</div>
<a data-px-href="path/to/partial.html" data-px-target="my_target">Load partial into target</a>
<a data-px-href="path/to/another/partial.html" data-px-target="my_target">Load another partial into target</a>

Partials can also be explicitly loaded with $(element).pxLoad(url) call.

<script src="jquery.px.js"></script>
<div id="my_target">Content will be replaced</div>
<button onclick="$('#my_target').pxLoad('path/to/partial.html');">Load partial into something</a>

The scipts applies CSS classes and trigger events whenever state is changed;

  • When loading starts; px-loading class and loading.px event
  • When loading is complete; px-loaded class and loaded.px event
  • If loading fails; px-failed class and failed.px event