
error in put vertical buying power calculation

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I believe the buying power (margin) requirement for a short vertical in, shown as:
buyingPower = ((self.__putToSell.strikePrice - self.__putToBuy.strikePrice) - ( currentPutToSellPrice - currentPutToBuyPrice)) * self.__numContracts * 100

is not correct. It should be just the width of the spread * 100 * number of contracts as that is the max value it could achieve if the short spread is fully in the money. So:
buyingPower = (self.__putToSell.strikePrice - self.__putToBuy.strikePrice) * self.__numContracts * 100

UPDATE: OK I guess they allow the credit received to count against the margin requirement. That could be specific to Tastytrade. Then it's correct.

Yes it is correct as mentioned in my update. But when you do iron condors (vertical put & call spread) then it's not so simple as now the margin requirement of a put vertical depends on matching call verticals in the portfolio.
Have you done code for an iron condor (i.e. matching put + call short verticals) strategy?

Going to go ahead and close this issue. Thanks for reviewing the code.