
This is to verify there's some issues with the way I build stuff in gradle...

Primary LanguageScala

Name clash files & gradle build

It appears to me that the way I build mixed Java/Scala projects w/ Gradle is somewhat wrong.

I start off with a multimodule project with two submodules, named foo and bar.

In foo I have created a Java interface (in foo/src/main/java/a/b/Foo.java) and I've created some Scala code which makes use of that Java interface (in foo/src/main/scala/a/b/Foo.scala). More specifically Foo.scala contains one trait, named FooComponent, and one object, named FooComponentImpl.

In bar I have just some ScalaTest/JUnit testing code (in bar/src/test/scala/a/b/FooComponentTest.scala).

Finally, this project can be both built w/ SBT, as follows:

$ sbt clean test package

and w/ Gradle (and in this case you'll spot immediately an issue), as follows:

$ gradle clean test assemble

In the Gradle case the test cannot be compiled as it cannot find the FooComponent trait that it needs to mix-in. This is due to the fact that there's no Scala bytecode which managed to get into the resulting .jar file (which can be located in foo/build/libs/foo.jar).

Puzzling bit:

Have a try with this:

$ mv foo/src/main/scala/a/b/Foo.scala foo/src/main/scala/a/b/Foos.scala

and then again:

$ gradle clean test assemble
