
Delphi implementation of JOSE (JSON Object Signing and Encryption) and JWT (JSON Web Token)

Primary LanguagePascalApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Delphi JOSE and JWT Library

Delphi JWT Library

Delphi implementation of JWT (JSON Web Token) and the JOSE (JSON Object Signing and Encryption) specification suite. This library supports the JWS (JWE support is planned) compact serializations with several JOSE algorithms.

Image of Delphi-JOSE Demo

📚 Articles about using Delphi-JOSE

⚠️ Important: OpenSSL requirements

HMAC using SHA algorithm

Prior to Delphi 10 Seattle the the HMAC-SHA algorithm uses OpenSSL through the Indy library, so in order to generate the token you should have the OpenSSL DLLs in your server system.

In Delphi 10 Seattle or newer Delphi versions the HMAC algorithm is also is the System.Hash unit so OpenSSL is not needed.

HMAC using RSA or ECDSA algorithm

The HMAC-RSA(ECDSA) algorithm uses necessarily OpenSSL so if you plan to use these algorithms to sign your token you have to download and deploy OpenSSL (on the server).

Client-side considerations

Please keep in mind that the client doesn't have to generate or verify the token (using SHA or RSA) so on the client-side there's no need for the OpenSSL DLLs.

OpenSSL download

If you need the OpenSSL library on the server, you can download the package directly to the Indy's GitHub project page (keep in mind to always update to the latest version and to match you application's bitness)

❓ What is JOSE

JOSE is a standard that provides a general approach to the signing and encryption of any content. JOSE consists of several RFC:

⚡ General Features

Token serialization

  • One method call to serialize a token

Token deserialization

  • One method call to validate and deserialize a compact token

Token & Claims validation (Consumer)

Algorithms Supported
exp ✔️
iat ✔️
nbf ✔️
aud ✔️
iss ✔️
jti ✔️
typ ✔️

Easy to use classes for custom validation

  • Easy to use TJOSEConsumer and TJOSEConsumerBuilder classes to validate token with a fine granularity
  • Easy to write custom validators!

Signing algorithms

Algorithms Supported
None ✔️ don't use! 💀
HS256 ✔️
HS384 ✔️
HS512 ✔️
RS256 ✔️ updated! 🔥
RS384 ✔️ updated! 🔥
RS512 ✔️ updated! 🔥
ES256 ✔️ new! 🌟
ES384 ✔️ new! 🌟
ES512 ✔️ new! 🌟
ES256K ✔️ new! 🌟

Security notes

Projects using Delphi JOSE and JWT

🔧 Todo

  • JWE support
  • Support of other crypto libraries (TMS Cryptography Pack, etc...)
  • More unit tests
  • More examples

🍪 Prerequisite

This library has been tested with Delphi 10.4 Sydney, Delphi 10.3 Rio, Delphi 10.2 Tokyo, Delphi 10.1 Berlin, and Delphi 10.0 Seattle but with some work it should compile with DXE6 and higher but I have not tried or tested this, if you succeed in this task I will be happy to create a branch of your work!

Libraries/Units dependencies

This library has no dependencies on external libraries/units.

Delphi units used:

  • System.JSON (DXE6+) (available on earlier Delphi versions as Data.DBXJSON)
  • System.Rtti (D2010+)
  • System.Generics.Collections (D2009+)
  • System.NetEncoding (DXE7+)
  • Indy units: IdHMAC, IdHMACSHA1, IdSSLOpenSSL, IdHash

Indy notes

💾 Installation

Manual installation

Simply add the source path "Source/Common" and Source/JOSE" to your Delphi project path and.. you are good to go!

Boss package manager

Using the boss install command:

$ boss install github.com/paolo-rossi/delphi-jose-jwt

📜 Quick Code Examples

Creating a token

To create a token, simply create an instance of the TJWT class and set the properties (claims).

Using TJOSE utility class

The easiest way to serialize, deserialize, verify a token is to use the TJOSEutility class:

  LToken: TJWT;
  LCompactToken: string;
  LToken := TJWT.Create;
    // Token claims
    LToken.Claims.Issuer := 'WiRL REST Library';
    LToken.Claims.Subject := 'Paolo Rossi';
    LToken.Claims.Expiration := Now + 1;

    // Signing and Compact format creation
    LCompactToken := TJOSE.SHA256CompactToken('my_very_long_and_safe_secret_key', LToken);

Using TJWT, TJWS and TJWK classes

Using the TJWT, TJWS and TJWK classes you have more control over the creation of the final compact token.

  LToken: TJWT;
  LSigner: TJWS;
  LKey: TJWK;
  LAlg: TJOSEAlgorithmId;
  LToken := TJWT.Create;
    // Set your claims
    LToken.Claims.Subject := 'Paolo Rossi';
    LToken.Claims.Issuer := 'Delphi JOSE Library';
    LToken.Claims.IssuedAt := Now;
    LToken.Claims.Expiration := Now + 1;

    // Choose the signing algorithm
    case cbbAlgorithm.ItemIndex of
      0: LAlg := TJOSEAlgorithmId.HS256;
      1: LAlg := TJOSEAlgorithmId.HS384;
      2: LAlg := TJOSEAlgorithmId.HS512;
    else LAlg := TJOSEAlgorithmId.HS256;

    // Create your key from any text or TBytes
    LKey := TJWK.Create(edtSecret.Text);

      // Create the signer
      LSigner := TJWS.Create(LToken);
        // With this option you can have keys < algorithm length
        LSigner.SkipKeyValidation := True;

        // Sign the token!
        LSigner.Sign(LKey, LAlg);

        memoCompact.Lines.Add('Header: ' + LSigner.Header);
        memoCompact.Lines.Add('Payload: ' + LSigner.Payload);
        memoCompact.Lines.Add('Signature: ' + LSigner.Signature);
        memoCompact.Lines.Add('Compact Token: ' + LSigner.CompactToken);

Unpack and verify a token's signature

Unpacking and verifying tokens is simple.

Using TJOSE utility class

You have to pass the key and the token compact format to the TJOSE.Verify class function

  LKey: TJWK;
  LToken: TJWT;
  // Create the key from a text or TBytes
  LKey := TJWK.Create('my_very_long_and_safe_secret_key');

  // Unpack and verify the token!
  LToken := TJOSE.Verify(LKey, FCompactToken);

  if Assigned(LToken) then
      if LToken.Verified then
        mmoJSON.Lines.Add('Token signature is verified')
        mmoJSON.Lines.Add('Token signature is not verified')


Unpacking and token validation

Using the new class TJOSEConsumer it's very easy to validate the token's claims. The TJOSEConsumer object is built with the TJOSEConsumerBuilder utility class using the fluent interface.

  LConsumer: IJOSEConsumer;
  LConsumer := TJOSEConsumerBuilder.NewConsumer

    // JWS-related validation

    // string-based claims validation
    .SetExpectedAudience(True, ['Paolo'])

    // Time-related claims validation
    .SetEvaluationTime(IncSecond(FNow, 26))
    .SetAllowedClockSkew(20, TJOSETimeUnit.Seconds)
    .SetMaxFutureValidity(20, TJOSETimeUnit.Minutes)

    // Build the consumer object

    // Process the token with your rules!
    // (optionally) log the errors
    on E: Exception do

Paolo Rossi