##GOVER (only works for go version 1.7 and above) ###Current features:
- Cronjob like scheduler
- Customizeable auto retry function with timeout
##1. "Cron job"
The job function is a func(context.Context)
The input context is only to handle condition where 1 interval has passed. It's perfectly OK to ignore it in function
type Cat struct{
Name string
Meow string
func (c Cat) meowing(ctx context.Context){
fmt.Printf("%s says '%s!!'\n", c.Name, c.Meow)
###1.1 hourly scheduler This function will run on hourly basis. time location is required to make sure it's running in the correct timezone
moritz := Cat{"Moritz", "Rawrr"}
jkt, _ := time.LoadLocation("Asia/Jakarta")
hourly, _ := gover.NewHourly(moritz.meowing, "30", jkt)
"30" means that it will run every minute 30 every hour if not parseable then it will return an error exception is empty string "", which means it will run immediately
//run the scheduler
if err := hourly.Start(); err != nil{
//stop the scheduler at need
###1.2 daily scheduler
In principal the same with hourly. Only the second parameter should the hour and minute in format hhmm (use empty string "" to run it immediately)
So basically Moritz will meow once a day on 0530 WIB
daily, _ := gover.NewDaily(moritz.meowing, "0530", jkt)
if err := daily.Start(); err != nil{
###1.3 custom interval The interval this time is customizeable (it will run immediately in a certain interval)
interval := time.Second * 30
customInterval, _ := gover.NewCustomInterval(moritz.meowing, interval, jkt)
if err := customInterval.Start(); err != nil{
##2. CrontabMinE
This is actually works as containers for all cronjobs
Also has method Print() to return current conditions as string
//start with time location (all gotermins will follow this location)
berlin, _ := time.LoadLocation("Europe/Berlin")
crontab, err := gover.NewCrontab(berlin)
Register the schedulers (rules are quite the same as the previous)
//register new hourly
addie := Cat{"Addison", "Meow"}
err := crontab.RegisterNewHourly("addie", addie.meowing, "30")
//register new daily
duwey := Cat{"Duwey", "Zzzz"}
err = crontab.RegisterNewDaily("duwey", duwey.meowing, "0300")
//register new custom interval
rog := Cat{"Roger", "Nyan"}
err = crontab.RegisterNewCustomInterval("roger", rog.meowing, time.Second * 10)
Each one can be started/stopped all at once or by key
//start by key
//start all
//stop by key
//stop all
Print the summary
//will print something like this:
addie-----[1h0m0s] 30-----inactive
duwey-----[24h0m0s] 0300-----active
roger-----[10s] immediately-----inactive
##3. Gover
###create new gover struct. The inputs are:
- time.Duration as the timeout duration for the job
- func(context.Context) error
Job is any function with input context.Context and error output.
Be careful at handling the context key and value since they are both interface{}.
type Animal struct{
Name string
func (a *Animal) setName(c context.Context) error {
if name, ok := c.Value("name").(string); ok{
a.Name = name
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid name context")
timeout := time.Second * 10
var cat Animal
gvr, err := gover.New(timeout, cat.setName)
//set input
gvr.Context = context.WithValue(context.Background(), "name", "Mr. Meowingston")
###set optional parameters
//how many times this function will be done again if error is returned
gvr.MaxRetry = 3
//keyword for error message that's not supposed to be retried
gvr.NoRetryConditions = []string{"foo"}
//interval between each retrial
//if not specified or not parseable into time.Duration it will be retried immediately
gvr.RetryInterval = "100ms"
//timeout for each retry
//if not specified or not parseable into time.Duration it will not have a timeout
gvr.JobInterval = "1s"
###run the function
if err := gvr.Run(); err == nil{
//this should print "Mr. Meowingston"