
A simple user management system with Symfony 4

Primary LanguagePHPBSD Zero Clause License0BSD

User Management

This is a simple backend task for User management


First, clone this repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/andela-sakande/user-manager.git

This project is bundled with docker for environment setup. The source code is in Symfony directory.

To run with docker if you have docker and docker-compose setup

$ docker-compose up

add symfony.localhost in your /etc/hosts file.

You are done, you can visit your Symfony application on the following URL: http://symfony.localhost:8080

Execute the Docker Container for PHP and

  • php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  • php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

API features

  • Get Token with http://symfony.localhost:8080/api/login_check with username and password admin, admin.
  • Add the token with Authorization Header Bearer Token: (token from step 1 above)
  • Create a user with POST http://symfony.localhost:8080/admin with [username, password, role]
  • Delete a user with DELETE http://symfony.localhost:8080/admin/{userid}
  • Create Team with POST http://symfony.localhost:8080/team with [name]
  • Add User To a Team with POST http://symfony.localhost:8080/team/{teamId}/user/{userId}
  • Delete a User from a team with DELETE http://symfony.localhost:8080/team/{teamId}/user/{userId}
  • Delete team only if it does not have any user with DELETE http://symfony.localhost:8080/team/{teamId}

API Documentation

Visit Postman Online Documentation

##DataBase Model

ERD Diagram

##Domain Model Domain Diagram

##Things To Improve

  • Set up Environment for Test including db
  • Use a user provider for the jwt
  • complete tests
  • Perfect Domain Model diagram