
Set up git workspace on Windows.

Primary LanguageShell


Set up git workspace on Windows.

###Downloading necessary files

  • Save git-completion.bash in your home directory with the name git-completion.bash.
  • Save git-prompt.sh in your home directory with the name git-prompt.sh.
  • Download .bash_profile .

If you already have a file in your home directory named .bash_profile, copy the content from downloaded .bash_profile and paste it at the bottom of .bash_profile in your home directory. Otherwise, move .bash_profile to your home directory and rename it to .bash_profile.

###Making Git configurations

Run the following Git configuration commands. The first one will need to be modified if you are using a text editor other than Sublime, or if Sublime is installed in another location for you. See this page for the correct command for a couple of other popular text editors. For any other editor, you'll need to enter the command you use to launch that editor from Git Bash.

  • git config --global core.editor "'C:/Program Files/Sublime Text 2/sublime_text.exe' -n -w"
  • git config --global push.default upstream
  • git config --global merge.conflictstyle diff3
  • Make sure you can start your editor from Git Bash.

If you use Sublime 2, you can do this by adding the following line to your .bash_profile:

  • alias subl="C:/Program\ Files/Sublime\ Text\ 2/sublime_text.exe"

###Restart Git Bash