
A small repo to test out streamlit, a new tool for serving awesome web-based python apps.

Primary LanguagePython


A small repo to test out streamlit, a new tool for serving awesome web-based python apps.

This is a testing repo that details a basic app and how to deploy it using the Heroku service.

create an app

[This section will be fleshed out at a later date.]

Create an app using streamlit.

Once streamlit is installed on your local machine you can run the app in this repo via:

streamlit run https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sirselim/streamlit_app_test/master/test_app.py

For something a little fancier try (Warning: this will pull ~250Mb of data):

streamlit run https://raw.githubusercontent.com/streamlit/demo-self-driving/master/app.py

When you are ready to deploy to the web Heroku is a simple, free option.

set up Heroku

Get an account, sign up at Heroku.

Install cli (Linux method below):

sudo snap install heroku --classic

Login (in app directory):

heroku login

Deploy app:

heroku create

Push code to that instance:

git push heroku master

Check running:

heroku ps:scale web=1

Visit the app site:

heroku open

deploy to heroku

To deploy to Heroku you need to have at least these four files present:

  • the pythong app (test_app.py here)
  • a Procfile - test Heroku how/what to run
  • a requirements.txt file - packages to load (dependencies)
  • setup.sh - server setup instructions

Note: it seems that you might also need to have the app already setup as a git repo. I was getting an error until I pushed it to my GitHub. Need to look into this further.