Custom WikiLinkRenderer does not get considered if Extensions.ANCHORLINKS is turned off
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sunitapatro commented
I am using pegdown 1.5.0, and found that after upgrading pegdown 1.4.2 to 1.5.0, there was a new extension ANCHORLINKS and if it is turned off, then the custom wikiLinkRenderer is not considered.
My use case is to render headers with out anchor links but render wikilinks as specified by the custom wikiLinkRenderer. And it was working as expected with 1.4.2.
Here is my code,
PegDownProcessor pegDownProcessor = new PegDownProcessor(Extensions.ALL - (headerLinks ? 0 : Extensions.ANCHORLINKS) - (hardwrap ? 0 : Extensions.HARDWRAPS) + (allowHtml ? 0 : Extensions.SUPPRESS_ALL_HTML));
processed = pegDownProcessor.markdownToHtml(data, new ConfluenceWikiLinkRenderer(info, xhtmlContent));
ConfluenceWikiLinkRenderer is not considered if Extensions.ANCHORLINKS is turned off.
Is there a way to make wikiLinks render with Extensions.ANCHORLINKS turned off?
Any help is appreciated.