- 6
- 0
Update javadoc on
#208 opened by vitalijr2 - 1
Chinese support problem
#229 opened by 88250 - 3
NoClassDefFoundError on jdk8
#242 opened by appraveen - 1
runMatcher Bug
#251 opened by angryid - 3
strange behavior if you start with html tag
#215 opened by mrothenbuecher - 0
- 0
- 4
Nested lists are broken
#245 opened by weavejester - 23
White spaces in links reference are not supported
#216 opened by tmortagne - 1
support multi-line image urls
#210 opened by richardwthompson - 2
Allow lists without a leading blank line to be rendered as lists (GitHub flavored)
#224 opened by depryf - 1
Problems with Parpoiled's ASM transitive dependency
#226 opened by RobWin - 4
Empty code block
#222 opened by AntoniBertel - 1
Add support for Wiki Images
#243 opened by vmassol - 1
Forms in pegdown?
#244 opened by stevenemrick - 1
How to Detect new lines
#247 opened by omidp - 11
- 0
Rendering escaped dot in e-mail
#246 opened by ziacik - 2
Write the AST back to a MD document
#241 opened by brentgracey - 0
Spock Framework
#240 opened by mgilewicz - 0
Custom WikiLinkRenderer does not get considered if Extensions.ANCHORLINKS is turned off
#239 opened by sunitapatro - 0
Issue labels
#238 opened by AZWN - 0
- 0
Add Command Line Interface
#234 opened by Ortner - 0
Missing Overrides
#232 opened by Ortner - 1
Maven Coordinates in Readme
#230 opened by JollyWizard - 5
Code block not detected?
#223 opened by shred - 0
- 12
Strong and emphasis tags in round brackets
#220 opened by md384 - 0
Nodes included in other nodes but not in children list do not adjust start/end offset for recursive parsing offset
#213 opened by vsch - 2
parse incorrect issue
#219 opened by fyobe - 2
Disable standard Markdown rules
#218 opened by md384 - 1
Space after > for blockquotes
#217 opened by md384 - 0
- 0
Autolinks with AUTOLINKS option include trailing EMPHASIS and STRIKETHROUGH characters in the link
#212 opened by vsch - 0
GitHub task list items parse when the non-optional space after the `[ ]` or `[x]` is left out
#211 opened by vsch - 0
I found something wired like duplication markdown result when I try to reuse PegDownProcessor
#209 opened by aaronamm - 1
Getting java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError
#205 opened by andreyluiz - 0
Add ability to have more than one class in LinkRenderer.Rendering using multiple withAttribute() calls
#204 opened by vsch - 0
- 0
Just found out that GitHub wikis reverse the link address and link text in their wiki links
#202 opened by vsch - 0
Wiki Links with anchor targets are improperly generated.
#200 opened by vsch - 4
node.endIndex incorrect?
#199 opened by radicaled - 0
code block problem
#198 opened - 5
- 0
Parser wrapItemPara results in AST that is different from what blank lines in list produce.
#192 opened by vsch - 0
private methods in ToHtmlSerializer make it harder to extended it with minimal effort.
#193 opened by vsch - 0
TASKLISTS extension should accept [X] as a completed task, ie. uppercase x is acceptable
#191 opened by vsch - 0
Add optional EXTANCHORS extension that uses all TextNodes of a header node for Anchor generation
#194 opened by vsch