
A more powerful, drop-in replacement for the Metatrader 5 Webrequest() method

Primary LanguageMQL5GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A more powerful, drop-in replacement for the Metatrader 5 Webrequest() method. Based on wininet.dll


  • Interface is fully compatible with the original WebRequest()
  • Use non standard Ports
  • Allow self signed ssl certs


int  WebRequest2(
   const string      method,                // HTTP method
   const string      url,                   // URL
   const string      headers,               // headers 
   int               timeout,               // timeout
   char              &data[],               // the array of the HTTP message body
   char              &result[],             // an array containing server response data
   string            &result_headers        // headers of server response
   const int         port=NULL,             // Define custom port
   const bool        allowInsecure=false,   // Allow self signed certs
   const bool        useSSL=NULL            // Use SSL encrypted connection

Return value HTTP server response code or -1 for an error.


If allowInsecure is set to true the following flags are set:


Please note that these Settings make SSL nearly useless. Therefore this flag should never be used in a environment where security matters! For reference check out: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/winhttp/option-flags

The import "kernel32.dll" is used to retrieve the error messages.


  1. Clone repo and copy the contents of Libraries folder into the corresponding folder of your MetaTrader installation.
  2. Allow DLLs in your Terminal
  3. Import Library:
#include <..\Libraries\WebRequest2\WebRequest2.mq5>


You use this software at your own risk! PR's welcome :)