MicroProfile Demo

Small demo application for MicroProfile 1.2

To build with WildFly Swarm you can run

$ mvn clean -Pswarm install
$ java -jar target/swarm-demo.jar

When the server is running you can invoke the application via

$ curl http://localhost:8080/hello

If you start the server with option -Dmp.what=<greeting> you can change the greeting text

$ mvn clean -Pswarm install
$ java -Dmp.what=Bonjour -jar target/swarm-demo.jar

Metrics are exposed under the /metrics endpoint and health data via /health.

Running on OpenShift

If you want to run the demo on OpenShift, you can use the openshift profile


$ mvn clean -Pswarm,openshift fabric8:run

The endpoints


You can hit /health to get the application health as per MicroProfile Health specification


You can hit /metrics to get the metrics.

Application specific metrics are exposed under /metrics/application

Application , /hello

this may be under a specific context root like /demo depending on the server you are using.
  • GET /hello: Return some greeting. Contents is dependent on the configuration as shown above.

  • GET /hello/health: Tries to call the /hello/slow service and uses MicroProfile Fault Tolerance to retry and fall back if the endpoint is too slow to respond

  • GET /hello/slow: returns a 204 no content response. The response may randomly be delayed.

  • POST /hello/unhealthy: sets the internal healthy flag to false so that a call to the MicroProfile Health endpoint will report as down.