
Dotfiles and setup for new Macs

Primary LanguageShell

New Mac Setup

  • Turn on Filevault, if using for sensitive data.
  • Install Dropbox and set up personal and KBB accounts
  • Install 1Password
  • Install Raycast
  • Install Rectangle Pro
  • Install Bartender (from web
    • Apply license (from 1p)
  • Install Cleanshot
  • Install Figma
  • Install Reflect
  • Install Fira Code font:
  • Install Visual Studio Code
  • Install MS Office
    • Log into office 365
    • Download and install apps
    • Activate one of the apps


Dev stuff

  • Run brew install postgresql
  • Install Postgres.app and make sure it launches on startup
  • Install node via nodenv
  • Install yarn
  • Install colorls: gem install colorls
  • Copy ~/.gitignore_global from this repo
  • Run git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
  • Bring over any keys from ~/.ssh on the machine being replaced
  • Bring over any local repos from the machine being replaced



  • Copy iTerm2 profile plist (from this repo) and point iTerm2 to it in preferences
    • You'll probably need to change Working Directory to match your local username
    • Put it in ~/Library/Application Support/iTerm2/DynamicProfiles or just import it from Preferences > Profiles > Other Actions... > Import JSON Profiles...
    • Set fonts to Noto for Powerline and Hack Nerd Font or Fira Code
  • Save a window arrangement that you like:
    • cmd-shift-S or Window > Save Window Arrangement
    • Name it default-arrangement or something similar
  • In iTerm2 preferences:
    • under General, choose Open Default Window Arrangement under Window restoration policy
    • under Appearance, choose Minimal theme and Bottom for status bar location