Agate is a cloud-native, fast, scalable, and async API Gateway. its core values are high performance and extensibility.
QQ交流群 : 757727732
- Vert.x 4.0
- Consul 1.7
- step1: pull source and build docker images
git pull
// remove old version
cd agate/agate-docker
docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm
// build new images
cd agate
mvn clean package
- step2: start agate docker containers
cd agate/agate-docker
docker-compose up -d
- step3: test agate manager and gateway services
access agate manager using username/password = agate/123456 by url http://localhost:8080/
- Http URL Proxy:
http://localhost:4004/(?<url>.*) -->
- Http Microservice Discovery:
http://localhost:4002/user-provider/(?<url>.*) --> http://user-provider/:url
- Access Logging
- Rate Limit
- Tracing
- Metrics
- Security Athen
- Circuit Breaker
- Gray Deployment
- Routing: Http Reverse Proxy
- Routing: Http Service Discovery
goto wiki