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We often need to deploy clusters in AWS to experiment something. This artifact contains terraform and shell script to provision servers required to run CP in 1 DC, 2 DC or 3 DC architecture.

It creates:

  • A number of EC2 instances to deploy Zookeeper, Kafka etc.
  • 1 or 2 or 3 VPCs for multiple DC deployment
  • VPC network peerings, subnets, route table rules and security groups.


Install terraform on the machine where you wish to run the terraform script.



The EC2 instance will be created using the AMI specified in the linux_ami_id variable of the terraform.tfvars file. You can also use a different AMI for a specific CP component.

    instance_type = "t3.micro"                //instance type
    name          = "sishuo-ansible",         
    dns_prefix    = "b1"                      //dns prefix used for this instance
    ip            = [""]
    ebs           = "50"
    ami           = "ami-xxxxx"   //Change AMI ID here


Create Resources

Assume you have AWS access key and secrets configured properly on your laptop.

terraform init ## This is only required for the first time.
terraform apply -var="MY_IP=$(curl -s ifconfig.me)"


terraform apply -destroy -var="MY_IP=$(curl -s ifconfig.me)"

Accessing Servers


The terraform creates both public DNS records and private DNS records.

For the public DNS: It reuses the existing public DNS zone (ps.confluent-internal.io) in Route 53

For the internal DNS: It creates a private zone using {owner}.dev format. e.g. sishuo.dev.

Then the scripts add DNS records for both public and private zone. See below sections.


All traffics to the servers are allowed from your own public IPs. If you don't like this you can modify the security group part of the terraform code in the main.tf.

From Your Laptop

Add below lines to your ~/.ssh/config file

Host z1
  HostName z1.sishuo.ps.confluent-internal.io
  User ec2-user
  IdentityFile /Users/yss/Desktop/sishuo-keypair-sg.pem

Host b1
  HostName b1.sishuo.ps.confluent-internal.io
  User ec2-user
  IdentityFile /Users/yss/Desktop/sishuo-keypair-sg.pem

Then you can access any server created:

ssh z1

Replace z1 with z2 for other Zookeeper instances or b1 for broker 1.

This part is taken from the terraform.tfvars file -> components -> dns_prefix

IP Changed

If you stopped your EC2 and restarted, the server will be assigned a different public IP. The public DNS records also need to be updated with the latest public IP.

You can run update-dns.sh to update all DNS records.

Within the VPC

Servers can talk to each other using private DNS.

A Route53 DNS zone is created using {owner}.dev naming convention.

All servers can be accessed using domain {dns-prefix}.{owner}.dev.

E.g. z1.sishuo.dev


This allows you to use meaningful names in the server properties file instead of IP addresses.

Multi DC

Use the terraform script in the multi-dc folder. The command is the same.

  • 3 VPC/DC created with peering and routing. Servers in each DC can communicate freely with each other.
  • VPC 1: subnet 0 and subnet 1.
  • VPC 2: subnet 2
  • VPC 3: subnet 3
  • Subnet 0 can be used for common infras such as AD server, Prometheus/Grafana etc.
  • Subnet 1,2,3 for Zookeeper, brokers etc.
  • You can define CIDR range in tfvars file.