A Certificate Authority with RESTful interface and WEB UI
With RESTful interface, you can manage certificate authority, request certs, get truststore, pkcs12, jks keystores in realtime, in a automated way.
You don't ever need to remember openssl command again, just run this service.
The project is written in Kotlin (supports Java 11 or newer), and Angular JS.
It is my first attempt with Front End Project.
This software is suitable for development & testing only, where you don't want to manage a microsoft Active Directory server for certificates.
It is purely built using openssl and java keytool (shipped with JDK). You need to have both installed in your system. Requirement:
openssl 1.0+
jdk 11+
$ git clone https://github.com/wushilin/minica.git
$ cd minica
$ ./gradlew clean bootJar
The executable jar is located at build/libs/minica-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
To run it,
Create a file named: application.properties like this:
openssl.path=/usr/bin/openssl <=points to your openssl
minica.root=/opt/minica <= point to a directory for all your CA certificates and issued certificates
keytool.path=/usr/local/bin/keytool <= point to your jdk keytool command
users.config=admin@adminpass:admin;user@password:viewer;invalid@invalid:invalid <= config the user access in username@password:role;username2@password2:role2 format. You can specify many users. The users will be using Basic authentication when talking to the RESTful service. The admin role users will be able to make changes (e.g. create/delete CA, request/delete certificates). The viewer will not able to do so, but viewer can download and view the certs without problem.
server.port=9988 <= default port is 8080, you may change it here
Start the service:
$ java -jar build/libs/minica-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --spring.config.location=./application.properties
Test the service:
$ curl -u "admin:adminpass" -vvvv -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT --data '{"commonName": "ABC CORP CA", "validDays": 7300, "countryCode":"SG", "organization":"ABC Corp CA", "state":"Singapore", "city":"Singapore", "organizationUnit":"Home Office", "digestAlgorithm":"SHA512", "keyLength": 4096 }' http://localhost:9988/ca/new
If you see something like this, that means your RESTful service is up.
"key":"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n....\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
"cert":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n...\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
"subject":"/C=SG/ST=Singapore/L=Singapore/O=ABC Corp CA/OU=Home Office/CN=ABC CORP CA",
"commonName":"ABC CORP CA",
"organization":"ABC Corp CA",
"organizationUnit":"Home Office",
You may refer to the following URLs for interacting with the RESTfulservices endpoints.
admin = view/download + modify
viewer = view/download
All endpoints requires basic authentication with at least viewer. Modifications requires at least admin.
- Register new CA:
PUT /ca/new
Authorization: xxx
"commonName": "ABC CORP CA",
"validDays": 7300,
"organization":"ABC Corp CA",
"organizationUnit":"Home Office",
"keyLength": 4096
Requires admin role
- Listing all CAs:
GET /ca
Authorization: xxx
Requires viewer role
Note that each CA has an ID in json response, the ID is the unique identifier
- Get a single CA detail:
GET /ca/<ca-id>
Authorization: xxx
Requires viewer role
- Delete a CA
DELETE /ca/<ca-id>
Authorization: xxxxx
Note that delete CA will also delete all certs in that CA. The issued certs can still be used.
Requires admin role
- List certs under CA
GET /ca/<ca-id>/cert
Authorization: xxx
Requires viwer role
Note certs have unique identifier. A cert is uniquely identifiable via a pair of ca-id, which identifies which ca, and cert-id, which identifies the cert.
- Request new cert under CA
PUT /ca/<ca-id>/new
Authorization: xxx
"commonName": "acme.abc.com",
"validDays": 7300,
"organizationUnit":"home team",
"keyLength": 4096,
"dnsList": ["jumper.abc.com", "*.abc.com"],
"ipList": ["", ""]
Requires admin role
- Get a cert detail
GET /ca/<ca-id>/cert/<cert-id>
Authorization: xxx
Requires viewer role
- Delete a cert from CA
DELETE /ca/<ca-id>/cert/<cert-id>
Authorization: xxx
Requires admin role
- Exporting All following requests required Authorization, and at least viewer permission.
Download CA Cert in PEM format
GET /ca/download/<ca-id>/cert
Authorization: xxx
Requires viewer role
Download CA Key in PEM format, unencrypted
GET /ca/download/<ca-id>/key
Authorization: xxx
Requires viewer role
Download CA Cert & Key pair in PKCS12, encrypted with the password
GET /ca/download/<ca-id>/pkcs12
Authorization: xxx
Requires viewer role
Download the truststore in JKS format, encrypted with the password
GET /ca/download/<ca-id>/truststore
Authorization: xxx
Requires viewer role
Download the keystore for pkcs12, keystore password, in text format
GET /ca/download/<ca-id>/password
Authorization: xxx
Requires viewer role
Download everything about the cert in a zip file, include cert, csr, private key in PEM format, jks and pkcs12 keystore, jks truststore, ca cert in PEM, and all keystore passwords
GET /ca/download/<ca-id>/cert/<cert-id>/bundle
Authorization: xxx
Requires viewer role
Download the cert which is signed by the CA
GET /ca/download/<ca-id>/cert/<cert-id>/cert
Authorization: xxx
Requires viewer role
Download the CSR
GET /ca/download/<ca-id>/cert/<cert-id>/csr
Authorization: xxx
Requires viewer role
Download the key
GET /ca/download/<ca-id>/cert/<cert-id>/key
Authorization: xxx
Requires viewer role
Download the keystore in JKS, encrypted with the password
GET /ca/download/<ca-id>/cert/<cert-id>/jks
Authorization: xxx
Requires viewer role
Download the keystore in PKCS12, encrypted with the password
GET /ca/download/<ca-id>/cert/<cert-id>/pkcs12
Authorization: xxx
Requires viewer role
Download the keystore password
GET /ca/download/<ca-id>/cert/<cert-id>/password
Authorization: xxx
Requires viewer role
Download the truststore in jks. The truststore is from the CA
GET /ca/download/<ca-id>/cert/<cert-id>/truststore
Authorization: xxx
Requires viewer role
Download the trust store password. Trust store is from the CA, thus using a different password
GET /ca/download/<ca-id>/cert/<cert-id>/truststorePassword
Authorization: xxx
Requires viewer role
Install node and npm - steps skipped, node 16.10+
Install angular js cli
$ npm install -g @angular/cli
$ npm install
- Edit the proxy configuration
vim proxy.conf.js
This proxies /ca to the endpoint of your RESTful service. If you changed your port above in RESTful service, please change accordingly here. If you run the RESTful service in another host, please remember to change the target host as well.
const PROXY_CONFIG = [
context: [
target: "http://localhost:9988/",
changeOrigin: true,
secure: false
module.exports = PROXY_CONFIG;
- Starting the UI
$ ng serve --proxy-config proxy.conf.js --host --configuration production
- Test Open your browser and access http://:4200. You will be prompted to login, enter the RESTful userid and password.
For the admin users, you can do everything. For viewer users, the modifications are prohibited.