
Dependency Error "DelimitedFiles" missing in Project.toml

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Hello and thank you for this amazing Package!

I just updated to Julia 1.9.1 and hat the following message came up during precompile:

ERROR: LoadError: ArgumentError: Package MineralExploration does not have DelimitedFiles in its dependencies:

after reading Julia v1.9 Release Notes I found out that

  • DelimitedFiles has been moved out as a separate package. It now has to be explicitly installed to be used.

So I checked the Manifest.toml on my system and it was not listed in deps.
After checking Project.toml in this repo and seeing that it was not listed either I tried to test it by manually editing my Manifest.toml.

"DelimitedFiles" was added to deps and it precompiled without issue. It looked like that afterward:

deps = ["ArgParse", "BeliefUpdaters", "CSV", "DataFrames", "DelimitedFiles", "Distributions", "GeoStats", "JLD", "LinearAlgebra", "POMCPOW", "POMDPModelTools", "POMDPPolicies", "POMDPSimulators", "POMDPs", "Parameters", "ParticleFilters", "PlotlyJS", "Plots", "Random", "ScientificTypes", "Statistics", "StatsBase", "StatsPlots"]
path = "C:\\Users\\ga82toj\\.julia\\dev\\MineralExploration"
uuid = "8a34a384-1fed-11ec-9621-0242ac130002"
version = "0.1.0"

I already opened an issue in the MineralExploration repo but wanted to post it here also. If you want me to do a PR I'm happy to do so.

Best wishes from Germany