
The state space in paper.

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hey. In your paper, the state space is discretized. For example, the ego vehicle's velocity is discretized to 29. Why is the number 29? The velocity is 0km/h-50km/h. Do you mean divide this range into 29 copies?
Thank you!

The interval of speed is 0 and 14m/s (~50km/h) and divided into 29 chunks.

This is where we define the state space in the code:

When running LinRange in the REPL with we get a nice discretization with 0.5 intervals.

julia> LinRange(0.0, 14.0, 29)
29-element LinRange{Float64}:

The interval of speed is 0 and 14m/s (~50km/h) and divided into 29 chunks.

This is where we define the state space in the code:

When running LinRange in the REPL with we get a nice discretization with 0.5 intervals.

julia> LinRange(0.0, 14.0, 29)
29-element LinRange{Float64}:

Thanks! The other question is how to compute the states amounts. Sorry the question if it is a bit simple, but it really comfusing me. The state is combinations of ego and pedestrian states, means: 29 X 5 X 27 X 7 X 5 X 7 = 959175 .Not 1.5 X 10^6. Where is wrong?

The number of lateral positions for the pedestrian is 11 in the paper. (in the code as well actually)

julia> 29 * 5 * 27 * 11 * 5 * 7

The number of lateral positions for the pedestrian is 11 in the paper. (in the code as well actually)

julia> 29 * 5 * 27 * 11 * 5 * 7

Oh Sorry, I misread one of the numbers. Really thanks! This question will be closed.