
Let's Give a Voice to Conversational Agents in Virtual Reality

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Here is a movie and tv show recommendation system realized using several technologies. It is a Unity based conversational agent with future expandability planned right in the architecture.


This is a demo of the current capabilities of the architecture for MovieBot This is a demo of the capabilities for the architecture for Hospital


Alt text

In here is reported a demo of the architecture so far

It consists of:

  • Unity module to record and play audio, receive data like images
  • Custom Connection Server implemented in python using FastAPI. This server handles the connection between ASR, Rasa and TTS
  • ASR module, using Wav2Vec2 from speechbrain
  • TTS module, using Speech_T5 from Microsoft
  • Rasa, custom conversational agent
  • The Movie DataBase for query real data

For now a request consists of the following steps:

  • Unity records the audio
  • Unity sends the full audio to the connection server
  • The connection server sends the audio the ASR server to get the text transcription ( ASR )
  • The connection server sends the text transcription received from the ASR server to Rasa server
  • Rasa server receives the request and performs the NLU inference, eventually doing custom actions
    • A custom action may require the connection to TheMovieDataBase for the query answer
  • The connection server receives the response from Rasa
  • The connection server also requests from rasa tracker the current state
  • The connection server sends a requests to TTS server for the speech synthesis ( TTS )
  • The connection server receives the data and sends it back to Unity, by streaming chunks
  • Unity plays the audio file ( with LipSync )

How to run

The model consists of a very complex architecture, so detailed instructions are provided to run the sample scene.


You will need a working installation of Rasa and Unity. You can check how to install both by following these instructions

If you use these instructions, you will need to install

  • spacy==3.5.1
  • toml==0.10.2
  • python-levenshtein==0.20.9
  • tmdbsimple==2.9.1

Alternatively you can create the rasa environment by runnning conda create -f server/rasa_bots/environment.yml and afterwards running python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg

DB location

inside server/db/config.toml change the variable db_path with the full path you want to save your conversations. Due to limitations of Rasa, it cannot prevent startup if the path is not correct, so please make sure the path is correct

Set up Rasa bots

This project contains 4 bots, 3 related to the healthcare environment and one for movie domain

    rasa_bots  -- rasa_triage
            \  -- rasa_anamnesis
             \ -- rasa_operation
              \-- movie_bot 

In here we will explain how to set up each of them to get the full experience. It is possible to replace these bots with other Rasa based bots.

Before going on, open server/db/config.toml and change [DB][db_path] with the path where you want to save your conversation

Movie Bot

The movie database account

Since the model uses real data from The Movie Database, you will need an API KEY in order to make successful requests.

Register the TMDB and get a API KEY one at this link https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/getting-started/introduction.


After you are done installing Rasa, install the other requirements from server/rasa_bots/rasa_movie_bot/actions/short requirements.txt. Since this model uses sapcy en_core_web_lg you will need to install that as well. You can use python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg to download that.

Once that is done, you can go to server/rasa_bots/rasa_movie_bot/. In a terminal write:

rasa train --domain ./domain --data ./data

This will start the training process using the data in the ./data and ./domain folders, with the current configuration

Once that is done, you will need to run two servers from the Rasa end:

  • rasa action server, that communicates with the tmdb. Paste the API KEY in server/rasa_movie_bot/actions/config.toml
  • rasa shell, that will perform the inference In order to do both, open two terminals and in write respectively
rasa run actions -p 5054
rasa shell --enable-api -p 5004

This will start the two servers on localhost on the ports :5054 and :5004

Test that the Rasa is working by writing on the second terminal simple questions like Hello

Hospital Rasa

For the hospital scene, you can do almost the same instructions, with a few key differences. There are three bots

Similarly as before you will need spacy==3.5.1 and spacy en_core_web_lg You can use

pip install spacy=3.5.1
python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg

to download those.

Once that is done, you will need to train and activate each bot.

cd server/rasa_bots/rasa_triage
rasa train --domain ./domain --data ./data

This will start the training process, which it will take a while

rasa shell --enable-api -p 5005

This will turn on the shell, with the REST API, on port 5005. Similarly to the movie bot, you will need a corresponding action server that can be run by

rasa run actions -p 5055

Do not close the shell, you will require the shell running in order to accept incoming request

cd server/rasa_bots/rasa_anamnesis
rasa train --domain ./domain --data ./data

This will start the training process, which it will take a while

rasa shell --enable-api -p 5006

This will turn on the shell, with the REST API, on port 5006. Similarly to the movie bot, you will need a corresponding action server that can be run by

rasa run actions -p 5056

Do not close the shell, you will require the shell running in order to accept incoming request

cd server/rasa_bots/rasa_operation
rasa train --domain ./domain --data ./data

This will start the training process, which it will take a while

rasa shell --enable-api -p 5007

This will turn on the shell, with the REST API, on port 5007. This model does not require a action server. Do not close the shell, you will require the shell running in order to accept incoming request

Set up the server

Now you will need to run three other servers:

  • ASR server
  • TTS server
  • A server that ties everything toghever

Fortunately by default there is a ready to go solution

We HIGHLY suggest you to run these servers in a different environment from the one you are using Rasa. In a different python==3.10 environment install the requirements from server/requirements.txt

Alternatively you can directly build the environment by:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Activate your environment and open a terminal and write:

python server/main.py

by default each server is properly configured to run in localhost at different ports, respectively :8081, :8082 and :8080. You can change these settings the the configuration of each server at server/asr/config.toml server/tts/config.toml server/config.toml Also by default, the server/config.toml has communcation in place for port 5004 5005, 5006, 5007 for movie_bot, triage, anamnesis and operation respectively

NOTE for Windows Users

you may need to activate Developer Mode in order to user speechbrain ASR. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/get-started/enable-your-device-for-development

Now you should have a terminal that each looks something like this

Unity scene

Open the Unity project in UnityKumo3D. The editor version used for this demo is 2022.2.7f1 but it should work with any newer release. It may even work with older releases as there are very few dependencies.

You can start the demo by opening the scene UnityKumo3D/Assets/Scenes/Demo.unity

There is a GameObject called ServerConnectionAuto that handles the connection to the server. There are also many parameters that you may wish to change for a slighty different experience, but by default the scene should work.

You can change bot with the name of the bot specified in server/config.toml in order to switch the bot you are talking to.

The scene tries to detect your audio noise level and it sends the audio file whenever the noise level is above a threshold and then below a threshold for a certain amount of time. Since every device has a different microphone, a calibration button is included in the scene.

Press the calibration button and try to say Hello, press again the same button to stop the calibration when you are done talking. This should approximately set the threshold the correct level required by your device, your tone of voice and the environment around you.

Press the start recording button start talking.

Build the App

You can use the Unity VE to build both iOS and Android releases. Due to developer limitations, only android releases are included in this repo.

  • Kumo.apk is the default test scene
  • KumoVR.apk is the version made for Oculus VR
  • HospitalVR.apk is the hospital scene, made for Oculus VR


Now that you can build the standard app, let's talk customization.


the default ASR module runs at http://localhost:8081 and it is built using FastAPI. You can check the available API at http://localhost:8081/docs if you run the server. At the moment it has only one path, POST /asr. At this path the model asr-wav2vec2.0-commonvoice-en is loaded and it is tasked to perform the ASR of any valid input POST audio file. Since it relies on soundfile.open() any audio file that is supported by soundfile should work, but the model was tested and validated only on .wav files. The result of the request should be a JSON file like this:

    "text" : "Hello",
    "is_final" : true

It is possible to replace the ASR with any other service, as long as it provides the same API


the default TTS module runs at http://localhost:8082 and it is built using FastAPI. You can check the available API at http://localhost:8082/docs if you run the server. At the moment it has 4 available paths:

  • POST /tts
  • GET /tts_synthesis
  • GET /tts_synthesis_full
  • GET /tts_speakers

It is possible to change the implementation of the current TTS with another one as long as it provides the same API

POST tts

this path accepts as input a JSON file that contains the text to be synthetised.

    "text" : "Hello, I'm Kumo, a movie and tv show recommendation system",

a speaker parameter is also required in order to chose the correct voice.

it outputs the a raw audio file, encoded in PCM16 signed integer single channel at 16000Hz sampling rate. It is on the user to properly parse the raw data. The raw data is also chunked, as it is processed according to punctuation marks present in the text. Punctuation marks are any character that matched this regex ;,\*\n\\\/\.\=\+\:\". This means that after any punctuation mark there is a "pause" of 100 zeros ( two zero bytes in PCM16 ) that can be used by the player to determine where to pause before playing the next chunk.

GET tts_synthesis

This request accepts two parameters:

  • speaker, for the voice
  • text, which is the text to be synthetised. For all intents and purposes it is a GET version of the tts ad everything else is the same

GET tts_synthesis_full

This request accepts two parameters:

  • speaker, for the voice
  • text, which is the text to be synthetised. Same as above, but without chunking of the data. One should expect long response times for long texts, wherease with the other two APIs this is negated by punctuation.

GET tts_speakers

This request returns a JSON list of possible speakers


This is the main server that handles the connection with everything else. I provides a few API:

  • GET and POST /text_converse
  • POST /audio_converse_stream
  • GET get_tracker

The server has a configuration file server/src/config.toml that is loaded by default. This file specifies the addresses of the ASR and TTS modules, whether to start them automatically, which port to use and also a list of connected rasa agents. For each rasa agent it is possible to select the name, the port adn address at which they are found and the voice of the agent.

GET text_converse

this API allows to send text messages with a rasa bot. It is useful for debugging. it requires as parameters:

  • bot bot to where to send the message
  • sender unique ID of the sender
  • message actual message

POST text_converse

this API allows to send text messages with a rasa bot. It is useful for debugging. it requires as parameters:

  • bot bot to where to send the message The other arguments are sent as JSON
    "sender" : "Unity",
    "message" : "Hey"

POST audio_converse_stream

This API is a simple wrapper that calls in sequence:

  • /asr for the transcription. Forwards the same input as the current request and extracts the "text" key from the JSON response
  • /webhooks/rest/webhook forwards to the correct rasa bot the transcription by calling this rasa API
  • /tts synthesises the text using the selected voice

This API requires as parameters:

  • bot bot to address
  • speaker the speaker to use for the synthesis

GET get_tracker

this API callbacks the rasa API and retrieves the tracker information and outputs a JSON

  "transcription" : "hei"
  "response" : "hy, I'm Kumo, a movie and tv show recommendation system"
