
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Sismo App

Made by Sismo

The Sismo app regroup 3 different apps:

  • Minting App : Allows users to curate their identity (/)
  • Flows : Allows badge creator to share their badges (/[flow name])
  • Prove with Sismo : Allows dapps to get a proof of something from their users (/prove)


$ yarn 
$ yarn start


Env Url deployment description
Prod https://app.sismo.io push tag prod* Production env
Testnets https://testnets.sismo.io push tag testnets* Production env with all testnets
Staging public https://staging.sismo.io push tag staging* Staging with same env than prod
Staging intern https://testnets.zikies.io push on main Staging with internal env to test easily (badge eligible to all core team accounts, vault + commitment mapper editable etc)

See here the production process.


  • sismo-client : all protocol logic (Attestation registry, Badges metadata, Eligibility / Minted badges, Attesters, contracts)
  • sismo : export useSismo usable in all the app to access to the protocol logic
  • vault-client : all vault logic (Imported accounts, commitment mapper, migration scripts)
  • vault : export useVault usable in all the app to access to the vault logic
  • wallet : export useWallet usable in all the app interact with web3 wallets (wrapper around https://onboard.blocknative.com/docs/overview/introduction#features)
  • web3-providers : export getProvider(chainId) to access to web3 providers
  • main-scroll-manager : manage the display of the scrollbar in all the app. This allow to remove the scrollbar when modals are open.
  • envs-monitoring : verify that all the Sismo environment variables are correctly added
