Node client for connecting to Apple's Push Notification Service using the new HTTP/2 protocol with JSON web tokens.
Now uses the native
module in Node.js v8.10 or later
Create an APNS client using a signing key and environment flag:
const { APNS } = require('apns2')
let client = new APNS ({
team: teamId,
keyId: keyId,
key: keyText,
production: true
Send a basic notification with message:
let headers = {
'apns-priority': 10,
'apns-topic': topic
let payload = {
aps: {
alert: 'Testing node',
badge: 1,
sound: 'default'
// array of tokens
let tokens = [goodDeviceToken, invalidToken]
//client sends the same payload with same headers to multiple tokens
//authorisation is the only thing done internally
client.connect().then(() => {
deviceTokens: tokens,
payload: payload,
headers: headers
}).then(results => console.log('done', results)).catch(err => console.log('can not push', err))
}).catch(err => {
console.log('can not connect', err)
Available options can be found at APNS Payload Options
Just iterate trough results (token is added to the actual server result)
requires Node.js v8.10 or later