
Node client for connecting to Apple's Push Notification Service using the new HTTP/2 protocol with JSON web tokens

Primary LanguageJavaScript


wercker status npm version Twitter

Node client for connecting to Apple's Push Notification Service using the new HTTP/2 protocol with JSON web tokens.

Now uses the native http2 module in Node.js v8.10 or later

Create Client

Create an APNS client using a signing key and environment flag:

const { APNS } = require('apns2')

let client = new APNS ({
    team: teamId,
    keyId: keyId,
    key: keyText,
    production: true

Sending Notifications

Send a basic notification with message:

let headers = {
    'apns-priority': 10,
    'apns-topic': topic

let payload = {
        aps: {
            alert: 'Testing node',
            badge: 1,
            sound: 'default'

// array of tokens
let tokens = [goodDeviceToken, invalidToken]

//client sends the same payload with same headers to multiple tokens
//authorisation is the only thing done internally
client.connect().then(() => {
        deviceTokens: tokens,
        payload: payload,
        headers: headers
    }).then(results => console.log('done', results)).catch(err => console.log('can not push', err))
}).catch(err => {
    console.log('can not connect', err)

Available options can be found at APNS Payload Options

Error Handling

Just iterate trough results (token is added to the actual server result)


apns2 requires Node.js v8.10 or later