test various aspects of internet of things using MQTT, Arduino, Raspi, etc. Also my first git repository.
The whole things is described here: Article on the Bouvet blog
You need: ScriptCraft (A bukkit plugin to Minecraft capable of running JavaScript) Arduino MQTT
This code is hastily written for fun. I am a rookie at Arduino, Python and JavaScript. "Code that was written by assumption and works by coincidence"
Everything is (c) Simen Sommerfeldt licensed under CC-BY-SA (Creative commons by attribution)
What it does:
- Makes a skull move and laugh viciously if one passes a sonar with less than 40 cm. Video
- Has the skull follow player movements and light eyes in Minecraft: Video
You need an MQTT broker (I use mosquitto) and install the library for it on the computer which is attached to the Arduino. I use a mac to run minecraft, and a RasPi to run the mosquitto broker and control the Arduino.
I use this repository to keep files in sync between the raspi and the mac