Python Selenium runner is used to interact with the eShopOnContainers MVC app (running on port 5100).
docker build . -t <image name>
One container represents one user scenario executed until stopped. The scenario includes user registration, adding items to the cart, and ordering them.
docker run --name <container name> -d --network host -e ESHOP_URL=<eshop domain name or IP> --restart unless-stopped <image name>
Inspect the logs
docker logs -f <container name>
Setting up...
registered: u: p: b(3rXhkA8s
logging in...
Ordering 8 items
Checkout succesful
returned back Home..
Scenario finished
logging in...
Edit Makefile by adding the image and container name, and eshop domain name or IP. You can also control the number of containers (users) using the ˙NUM_USERS
make build
make run
make stop