
Oboe is a C++ library which makes it easy to build high-performance audio apps on Android.

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Oboe is currently in developer preview.

Oboe is a C++ library which makes it easy to build high-performance audio apps on Android. It was created primarily to allow developers to target a simplified API that works across multiple API levels back to API level 16 (Jelly Bean).

Get started with Oboe here.


  • Compatible with API 16 onwards - runs on 99% of Android devices
  • Chooses the audio API (OpenSL ES on API 16+ or AAudio on API 27+) which will give the best audio performance on the target Android device
  • Automatic latency tuning
  • Modern C++ allowing you to write clean, elegant code


To build Oboe you will need the Android NDK r15 or above


Sample code

Example apps can be found in the Android high-performance audio repository


We would love to receive your pull requests. Before we can though, please read the contributing guidelines.

Version history

  • 18th October 2017 - v0.9 Initial developer preview