
Group project for software engineering practice - Northumbria University.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Group project for software engineering practice - Northumbria University.

Following the pep-8 python stlying standard

Read more here



Import the environment used for running our code:

conda env create -f environment_droplet.yml

Run the demo script through the environment:

conda activate ai_gproj
python full_monty.py

Import the dependancies:

pip install -U flask

pip install -U flask-cors

pip install -U sklearn

pip install -U pandas

pip install -U joblib

Run the demo script:

python full_monty.py



Instantiate a model
from model import Model

mdl = Model() # uses default dataset (/.Data/balancedData.pickle)
Instantiate a model using a custom dataset
from model import Model

mdl = Model(dataset_path="/PATH/TO/DATA.pickle")

note: dataset must be a pickled dataframe containing "Plot" and "Genre" fields

Instantiate a model class using a pre-trained (pickled) pipeline
from model import Model

mdl = Model(model_path="/PATH/TO/MODEL.gz)

note: to .test() a model imported this way, you must include the data it was trained with in the dataset_path parameter, however predictions work fine without the original dataset

Other instantiation parameters

  • stop_words - Use standard english stop words (defaults to false)
  • exclude_fnames - Use first names as stop words as well (defaults to true)
  • test_size - ratio of data to be used for testing (defaults to 0.2 out of a range of 0-1)

Train a pipeline (using the dataset from instantiation)


Store the pipeline

pipe = mdl.get_pipe()

# to save the pipe for use later
mdl.ml.zipIt(pipe, "/PATH/PIPE_NAME")

Test model

td = mdl.test()

note: If you instantiated the model with a pre-trained pipeline, this method will not work unless you also instantiated with the matching dataset


Standard prediction from user input
text_to_predict = input("input: ")

prediction = mdl.predict_custom(text_to_predict")
Make a prediction and return the % accuracy of that prediction
text_to_predict = input("input: ")

prediction, accuracy = mdl.predict_custom(text_to_predict")
Make predictions from the test data
predictions = mdl.predict_test_data()

note: pipeline must be trained with the same dataset passed in instantiation