
Automatically (or with prompts) bump your version numbers, commit, tag, and push to git

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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npm License


Automate your release process with a single command that can:

  • Optionally prompt for the type of version bump (major, minor, revision, beta, etc.)
  • Bump the version number in all of your JSON manifests, including:
    • package.json
    • bower.json
    • component.json
  • Replace version number strings in text files, including:
    • config files
    • source code
    • README files
    • license files
  • Run your preversion, version, and postversion scripts
  • Commit changes to GIT
  • Tag the commit with the version number
  • Push the commit to remote


You can install version-bump-prompt via npm.

npm install -g version-bump-prompt


Usage: bump [options]


  -h, --help            output usage information
  -V, --version         output the version number
  --major               Increase major version
  --minor               Increase minor version
  --patch               Increase patch version
  --premajor            Increase major version, pre-release
  --preminor            Increase preminor version, pre-release
  --prepatch            Increase prepatch version, pre-release
  --prerelease          Increase prerelease version
  --prompt              Prompt for type of bump (patch, minor, major, premajor, prerelase, etc.)
  --preid <name>        The identifier for prerelease versions (default is "beta")
  --commit [message]    Commit changed files to Git (default message is "release vX.X.X")
  --tag                 Tag the commit in Git
  --push                Push the Git commit
  --all                 Commit/tag/push ALL pending files, not just the ones changed by bump
  --grep <filespec...>  Files and/or globs to do a text-replace of the old version number with the new one


  $ bump --patch
  $ bump --major --tag
  $ bump --patch --tag --all --grep README.md LICENSE
  $ bump --prompt --tag --push --all

Version Scripts

version-bump-prompt will execute your preversion, version, and postversion scripts, just like the npm version command does. If your package.json file contains any or all of these scripts, then they will be executed in the following order:

  • The preversion script runs before the version is updated (and before the version prompt is shown)
  • The version script runs after the version is updated, but before git commit and git tag
  • The postversion script runs after git commit and git tag, but before git push


I welcome any contributions, enhancements, and bug-fixes. File an issue on GitHub and submit a pull request.


To build the project locally on your computer:

  1. Clone this repo
    git clone https://github.com/bigstickcarpet/version-bump-prompt.git

  2. Install dependencies
    npm install

  3. Run the tests
    npm test


Version-Bump-Prompt is a fork of Version-Bump by Alexey Raspopov (c). Both the original project and this fork are licensed under the MIT License