Sire is a molecular modelling framework that provides extensive functionality to manipulate representations of biomolecular systems.
It is used as a key component of BioSimSpace, and is distributed and supported as an open source community project by OpenBioSim.
For more information about how to use Sire, and about application built with Sire, please visit the Sire website.
The easiest way to install Sire is using our conda channel. Sire is built using dependencies from conda-forge, so please ensure that the channel takes strict priority. We recommend using mambaforge.
To create a new environment:
mamba create -n openbiosim "python<3.11"
mamba activate openbiosim
mamba install -c openbiosim sire
To install the latest development version you can use:
mamba create -n openbiosim-dev "python<3.11"
mamba activate openbiosim-dev
mamba install -c openbiosim/label/dev sire
However, as you are here, it is likely you want to download the latest, greatest version of the code, which you will need to compile. To compile sire, you need a git client to download the source, and a working internet connection (needed by the sire compilation scripts to download additional dependencies).
First, you need to create and activate a conda environment, e.g.
mamba create -n openbiosim-dev "python<3.11"
mamba activate openbiosim-dev
Next, you need to install the Sire build dependencies.
mamba install cmake pip-requirements-parser
You will also need to install compilers, e.g. on Linux use
mamba install gcc gxx
on MacOS use
mamba install clang clangxx
and on Windows use
mamba install conda-build
Next, you can clone the sire source code and compile and install sire:
git clone cd sire python install
A small word of warning, the compilation can easily take over an hour!
The above will compile sire in your existing conda environment.
If you plan to build BioSimSpace on top of sire, then you will need to resolve BioSimSpace's dependencies at the time sire is installed to ensure that it is built in a self-consistent way. This can be achieved as follows:
python --install-bss-deps install
For bug reports/sugguestions/complains please file an issue on GitHub.
Please visit the website for information on how to develop applications using sire.
Since sire is quite large, a build can take quite long and might not be neccessary
if a commit is only fixing a couple of typos. Simply add ci skip
to your commit message and GitHub actions will not invoke an autobuild.
Note that every time you commit to devel, it will trigger a build of sire,
full testing, construction of a Conda package and upload to our Anaconda
channel. Please think twice before committing directly to devel. You should
ideally be working in a _feature_ branch, and only commit to devel once you are
happy the code works on your branch. Use ci skip
until you are happy that
you want to trigger a full build, test and deployment. This full pipeline will
take several hours to complete.
Have fun :-)