
Aircraft Passenger Capacity Consumption API

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are required to run the app.


Running the app

  1. Clone the repo.

    git clone
  2. cd into the repo you have just cloned.

    cd airplanes/
  3. Create a virtual environment and activate it.

  4. Inside the virtual environment, install app dependencies.

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Run Migrations

    python migrate
  6. Start the app.

    python runserver

Using the app

  1. To create a plane, use the POST method on /api/planes/ endpoint and supply the id and passenger field values in the request body.
    curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/api/planes/ -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id": 1234, "passengers": 5678}'
    # response
  2. To view total_airplane_fuel_consumption_per_minute and maximum_minutes_able_to_fly information, send a GET request on /api/planes/ endpoint.
    curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/api/planes/
    # response

API documentation

Interactive API documentation can be accessed through http://localhost:8000/api/docs/.

Running mypy

mypy can be run to perform static checks on the code. To perform this check, run the following command;

mypy -p api

Tests and Test Coverage

Tests can be run using the following command.

coverage run test

To view the coverage report, use the command below.

coverage report -m

Assumptions / Additional notes