
Show "Match 123 of 456 /search term/" in Vim searches. By Yakov Lerner.

Primary LanguageVim Script


Requires vim7.4

Originally by Yakov Lerner and put on GitHub by Henrik Nyh to have it there in a Pathogen-friendly format. Majorly rewritten by Otto Modinos.

See the original plugin page at vim.org.

This plugin redefines 6 search commands (/,?,n,N,*,#). At every 
search command, it automatically prints>
       "At match #N out of M matches". 
-- the total number of matches (M) and the number(index) of current 
match (N). This helps to get oriented when searching forward and 

There are no new commands and no new behavior to learn. 
Just watch the bottom line when you do /,?,n,N,*,#. 

See full help file.


Is this plugin too slow for you? Do you want more (or less) features? Here're some other plugins that do (or can do) the same thing: