SUGCON 2020: Return of the Painless Sitecore Deployment

This repository demonstrates:

  • Minimal Sitecore 9.3 XM solution with Unicorn.
  • Local development environment with debugging and log streaming.
  • Isolated solution build inside container using only Docker Compose.
  • Azure DevOps multi-stage pipeline for complete CI/CD also using the environments feature which is offering traceability, history and diagnostics of deployed resources.
  • Dynamic deployment of any branch into a Kubernetes cluster namespace with auto generated DNS for ingress, secured with Let's Encrypt TLS certificates.
  • Unicorn sync during deployment.
  • Rolling updates of Content Delivery pods.
  • Helm 3 and public Sitecore charts used for doing deployments.

Running the solution

  1. Authenticate with the registry: az acr login --name <YOUR REGISTRY> or docker login.
  2. Start with: docker-compose up --build.

Azure DevOps Pipelines configuration

Before the first run the following needs to be in place.

Service Connections

Add the following connections:

  1. A administrative Kubernetes connection to your cluster:
    • Namespace: default
    • Use cluster admin credentials: Checked
    • Grant access permission to all pipelines: Checked
  2. A SOURCE Docker Registry connection, this is the one that has the Sitecore base images:
    • Grant access permission to all pipelines: Checked
  3. A TARGET Docker Registry connection, this should be accessible by your cluster:
    • Grant access permission to all pipelines: Checked

YAML pipeline variables

You need to fill out these required variable values in azure-pipelines.yml:

Name Value
project_name The name of your project, lowercase. Used in image names, namespaces, dns etc.
source_docker_registry Name of the Docker Registry service connection with Sitecore base images
target_docker_registry Name of the Docker Registry service connection that is accessible by your cluster
k8s_admin_service_connection_testing Name of the Kubernetes service connection with cluster admin credentials
k8s_admin_service_connection_production Name of the Kubernetes service connection with cluster admin credentials
windows_poolname Name of an agent pool that can build Windows Server 2019 LTSC images
dns_tld Some DNS name with a wildcard A record pointing to cluster loadbalancer IP.


  1. Add an EMPTY environment named testing:
    1. Add a Kubernetes Resource with a new namespace in your cluster named: test-<project_name>-master.
  2. Add an EMPTY environment named production:
    1. Add a Kubernetes Resource with a new namespace in your cluster named: prod-<project_name>-master.

For demo purposes we are using the same cluster for both testing and production but you can use a separate cluster for production if you need to.


  1. Add your Sitecore license.xml as a secure file, name it license.xml.
  2. Add a new variables group named general with the following variables (type secret):
Name Value
SQL_SA_PASSWORD Strong password for the SQL sa account.
SITECORE_ADMIN_PASSWORD Strong password for the Sitecore admin account

Let's Encrypt

Update email address in .\manifests\letsencrypt-issuer.yaml.