
Command-line interface (CLI) and Ruby interface for the Siteleaf API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Siteleaf v2 Gem & CLI


Install Ruby and RubyGems: https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/


The Siteleaf gem is available for installation on RubyGems. To install run:

gem install siteleaf

Note: the v2 gem only works with v2 sites. For documentation on v1 see: https://github.com/siteleaf/siteleaf-gem/tree/v1

If maintaining sites with multiple versions, we recommend using a Gemfile.

Using the CLI

Important: if using a Gemfile, make sure to prepend all commands with bundle exec (e.g. bundle exec siteleaf auth).

Authorize your account:

siteleaf auth

This will create an authorization file located at ~/.siteleaf.yml.

Alternatively, you can also use environment variables: SITELEAF_API_KEY=xxx SITELEAF_API_SECRET=yyy siteleaf command

You can also include use a .siteleaf.yml file in the root of your project:

api_key: xxx
api_secret: yyy
site_id: zzz

Set up a new site locally:

siteleaf new yoursite.com

This will create a new theme folder called yoursite.com in the directory where you ran this command. It will also create the site for you in your Siteleaf account. If you prefer not to create a new directory, run siteleaf new yoursite.com . instead.

Configure an existing site:

siteleaf config yoursite.com

Upload your files:

To upload your theme to Siteleaf, run the following command:

siteleaf push

Download your files:

To download your theme (or the default theme for new sites) from Siteleaf, run the following command:

siteleaf pull

Publish your site:

To publish your site changes to your hosting provider, run the following command:

siteleaf publish

For a full list of commands, run:

siteleaf help

Using this gem in your application

To use this gem in your application, add the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'siteleaf', '~>2'

Using the API

This gem also allows you to interact with the Siteleaf API.

require 'siteleaf'

# authentication
Siteleaf.api_key    = 'KEY'
Siteleaf.api_secret = 'SECRET'

# get authenticated user
me = Siteleaf::User.find('me')

# get all sites
sites = Siteleaf::Site.all

# create new site
site = Siteleaf::Site.create({
  :title    => 'My Website',
  :domain   => 'mywebsite.com'

# get site by id
site = Siteleaf::Site.find('5196f137cc8591956b000001')

# update site
site.title = 'New Title'

# publish site

# delete site

# get all pages in site
pages = site.pages

# create new page in site
page = Siteleaf::Page.create({
  :title    => 'My Page',
  :body     => 'This is my first page.',
  :site_id  => site.id

# get page by id
page = Siteleaf::Page.find('519719ddcc85910626000001')

# delete page by id

# get posts
posts = site.posts # or Collection.new(path: 'posts', site_id: site.id).documents

# create new post
post = Siteleaf::Documents.create({
  :title            => 'My Post',
  :body             => 'This is my first post.',
  :collection_path  => 'posts',
  :site_id          => site.id

# update post, add metadata
post.title = 'New Title'
post.metadata = {'foo' => 'bar'}

# delete post

# get files in "uploads" collection
files = site.uploads # or Collection.new(path: 'uploads', site_id: site.id).files

# upload image into "uploads" collection
file = Siteleaf::File.create({
  :file             => File.new('~/image.png'), 
  :path             => 'image.png'
  :collection_path  => 'uploads',
  :site_id          => site.id

# get source files
files = site.source_files

# upload source file
file = Siteleaf::SourceFile.create({
  :file     => File.new('~/foo.html'), 
  :name     => '_includes/foo.html',
  :site_id  => site.id

# delete file

# delete file by name
Siteleaf::SourceFile.new(name: '_includes/foo.html', site_id: site.id).delete


I can't install the Gem

Try running:

sudo gem install siteleaf


Help us improve this gem:

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request