- 19
Security Vulnerability - Action Required: XXE Vulnerability in the Latest Version of sitemesh3
#132 opened by Crispy-fried-chicken - 2
Custom WebAppContext
#141 opened by lukaszlenart - 0
Improve Integration with Spring Security
#140 opened by codeconsole - 22
Java based configuration not working
#135 opened by fcruzrj - 24
Sitemesh 3 and Javalin
#138 opened by bselack - 4
Spring Boot Autoconfigure bad defaults
#139 opened by superdrenner - 6
sitemesh:write default property value
#137 opened by morrica - 5
- 10
- 6
Calling .resetBuffer() / .reset() has no effect on org.sitemesh.webapp.contentfilter.HttpServletResponseBuffer
#87 opened by sammyhk - 3
weblogic cannot decorate
#97 opened by kobe1700 - 6
Decorating with Parameters?
#90 opened by zhang20084 - 14
Decoration is based on setting the content type or not
#112 opened by flopma - 1
Page for projects using SiteMesh !
#133 opened by aadrian - 2
- 2
could exclue ajax/json/responseBody?
#102 opened by githubyong - 1
Inconsistent case sensitivity in path matching
#121 opened by yehara - 2
Allow to have separate tag rules for the page being decorated and the decorating template
#85 opened by aantono - 3
Multi decorators could not matching
#111 opened by yee333 - 1
Grails Error Page Decoration
#131 opened by codeconsole - 1
- 2
- 1
sitemesh3+freemarker refresh Cache still
#100 opened by lihua123569 - 1
sitemesh3 can't work on wildfly-8.1.0.Final
#120 opened by wang-hu - 1
urlrewrite nonsupport
#84 opened by zhang20084 - 2
Example for Offline Site Generation ?
#130 opened by aadrian - 7
- 1
- 1
how to custom same Tag in jsp's page
#125 opened by weiwangda2014 - 1
- 2
- 2
Even index.html in the example hellowebapp cannot be load completely in Chrome
#119 opened by luchenguang - 1
Pass data into decorator jsp from content JSP
#128 opened by sarathAchu - 4
How to load the property within the body
#99 opened by jlynet - 2
JSP error page is not decorated
#116 opened by pioterj - 1
HELP in Sitemesh 3 with Parameter
#107 opened by jclayer - 1
doesn't support post
#103 opened by githubyong - 2
- 3
Url case sensitive
#109 opened by fantasylion - 10
sitemesh3 配置多个装饰器时闪烁的问题(对不住各位,小弟英文不好⊙﹏⊙b汗)
#105 opened by cliffs1314 - 2
- 1
How to use in an embedded environment?
#123 opened by Darkvater - 3
can sitemesh3 be used by spring boot 3.x ?
#129 opened by Frank0321 - 1
sitemesh-2.4.2 can be compatible on jdk1.8?
#127 opened by beijingtangtang - 1
- 0
Can‘t’ sitemesh decorate the page
#104 opened by bluelovecute - 2
- 0
Duplicated Code
#95 opened by zzz531 - 1 Down
#93 opened by derTobsch - 1