
Download movie from YTS

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Download movie form YTS without visiting to YTS built top on anacrolix/torrent lib.


Most of the times, We are lazy people; to search good torrent. If you are found good torrent you have skipped few ads and ads blocker don't have any power in that station.

How to Install

sudo wget https://github.com/sithumonline/movie-box/releases/download/v0.0.4/movie-box_0.0.4_linux_amd64 \
          -O /usr/local/bin/movie-box \
          && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/movie-box

If your windows user now your start to think, Oh it's not for me... No! you're wrong.

Windows Movie Box Note: If you face trouble try WSL.

How to use

movie-box get -n "name of the movie" -q 1080p -o "/path/to/download/directory"

Docker Run

How to use with Docker

docker run --rm -it ghcr.io/sithumonline/movie-box:0.0.4 \
       get -n "name of the movie" -q 720p -o "/path/to/download/directory"

Docker Run


Service for download movies form YTS without visiting to YTS.


Do you have a deprecated laptop/pc or Raspberry Pi? Do you like to build your own media server? and Watch movies from where ever you like? and Unable to enjoy Netflix.

How to Install Server

You can install Server, following exactly the same steps following what we used to install CLI above without worrying about Docker or Kubernetes, and up the Server with server command except get command like below. Basically, if you installed CLI you already installed Server.

movie-box server

Note: If you like, You can set custom volume path.

How to up Docker Container

Note: movie-box Docker image support both for amd64 and arm architectures.

git clone https://github.com/sithumonline/movie-box
cd movie-box
docker-compose up

How to Deploy on Kubernetes

I highly recommend K3s rather than Kubernetes or Minikube, if you are using a laptop/pc or Raspberry Pi.

sudo mkdir /movie-box
sudo kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sithumonline/movie-box/movie-box.yml

How to use Server

Download Movie

Open the web browser and go to

http://ip-add:port/move-box/name of the movie

Note: ip add and port depend on method what you used to up your Server.

Add Movie

If you don't know what's the exact name of the movie, It will suggest the name of the movie.

Movie Suggestions

See Logs

Open the web browser and go to



How to set up Media Server

Install Kodi Media on the device that you run Server then adding video sources to Kodi Media and give movie-box download directory as the source. Don't forget to set The Movie Database as information provider.

Kodi Video Source

Kodi Set Info Provider

Kodi Dir

Kodi Movie

Kodi Play Movie