
Flask blueprint to connect to a MediaWiki OAuth server

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


https://pypip.in/v/flask-mwoauth/badge.png https://pypip.in/d/flask-mwoauth/badge.png

Flask blueprint to run OAuth against MediaWiki's extension:OAuth.

The blueprint adds these uris:
  • /login - runs the OAuth handshake and returns the user to /
    • /login?next=/someurl will return the user to /someurl
  • /logout - clears the users' access tokens
    • /logout?next=/someurl will return the user to /someurl
  • /oauth-callback - callback from MW to finish the handshake

The users' OAuth key and secret are stored in the session.

In addition, flask-mwoauth adds a few convenience functions:
  • get_current_user(cached=True) reports who the current user is. To confirm the user is still logged in (e.g. tokens have not been revoked), call it with cached=False.
  • request(api_query) submits an request through the API, using the users' access tokens. E.g. the current user request runs request({'action': 'query', 'meta': 'userinfo'}).

An example app is implemented in demo.py.

Using the example app

  1. Go to https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:OAuthConsumerRegistration/propose and fill in the following values:
  • Application name: test app
  • Application description: test app for flask-mwoauth
  • OAuth "callback" URL: http://localhost:5000/oauth-callback
  • Contact email address: <your registered email address>
  • Leave all other values default.
  1. Click 'Propose consumer'. You now get a message stating

    Your OAuth consumer request has been received.

    You have been assigned a consumer token of <consumer key> and a secret token of <consumer secret>. Please record these for future reference."

3. Then

$ python setup.py develop
$ python demo.py
NOTE: The callback URL you entered when proposing an OAuth consumer
probably did not match the URL under which you are running this development
server. Your redirect back will therefore fail -- please adapt the URL in
your address bar to http://localhost:5000/oauth-callback?oauth_verifier=...etc

Consumer key: <the consumer key you got>
Consumer secret: <the consumer secret you got>

You may need to re-enter the key and secret if the app reloads.

  1. Go to http://localhost:5000/ and click 'login'.