
django toolbox

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

pypi Downloads Documentation Status


This package contains various useful helper functions. You can read up on all the fancy things at readthedocs.io.


  • Install the package via pip:

    pip install ai-django-core

    or via pipenv:

    pipenv install ai-django-core

  • Add module to INSTALLED_APPS:



Add functionality

  • Clone the project locally

  • Create a new branch for your feature

  • Change the dependency in your requirements.txt to a local (editable) one that points to your local file system:

    -e /Users/awesome-developer/Documents/workspace/ai-django-core
  • Ensure the code passes the tests

  • Run:

    python setup.py develop

  • Create a pull request

Run tests

  • Check coverage

    pytest --cov=.

  • Run tests


Update documentation

  • To generate new auto-docs for new modules run: sphinx-apidoc -o ./docs/modules/ ./ai_django_core/ (in the current setup an auto doc for the anti virus module is not supported due to installation and import problems. Since it might be removed in the future, that should be fine for now).
  • To build the documentation run: sphinx-build docs/ docs/_build/html/ or go into the docs folder and run: make html. Open docs/_build/html/index.html to see the documentation.

Publish to ReadTheDocs.io

  • Fetch the latest changes in github mirror and push them
  • Trigger new build at ReadTheDocs.io (follow instructions in admin panel at RTD)

Publish to PyPi

  • Update documentation about new/changed functionality

  • Update the Changelog

  • Increment version in main __init__.py

  • Create pull request / merge to master

  • Run:

    • Make sure you have all the required packages installed pip install twine wheel
    • Create a file in your home directory: ~/.pypirc
    repository: https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/
    username: ambient-innovation
    repository: https://test.pypi.org/legacy/
    username: ambient-innovation
    • Empty dist directory
    • Create distribution python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
    • Upload to Test-PyPi twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
    • Check at Test-PyPi if it looks nice
    • Upload to real PyPi twine upload dist/*