Functions to use firebase cloud firestore database like CRUD (Create Read Update Delete)
to insert new objects to the db
* @param {string} table
* @param {string} key
* @param {any} value
const insert = async (table, key, value) => {
await setDoc(doc(db, table, key), {
return { ...value };
to delete elements
* @param {string} table
* @param {string[]} elements
const deleteE = async (table, elements) => {
for (const element of elements) await deleteDoc(doc(db, table, element));
to update objects to the db
* @param {string} table
* @param {string} key
* @param {any} value
const update = async (table, key, value) => {
const dataRef = doc(db, table, key);
const dataSnap = await getDoc(dataRef);
if (dataSnap.exists()) {
await setDoc(doc(db, table, key), { ..value });
return { ...value };
return undefined;
to fetch a single value from db
* @param {string} table
* @param {string} key
const getValue = async (table, key) => {
const dataRef = doc(db, table, key);
const dataSnap = await getDoc(dataRef);
if (dataSnap.exists()) return;
return undefined;
to fetch a entire collection
* @param {string} table
* @param {string} order
* @param {number} page
* @param {number} count
* @returns array of objects from firebase
const getTable = async (table, order = "date", page = 1, count = 10000) => {
const parsedPage = page - 1;
const first = query(collection(db, table), orderBy(order));
const querySnapshot = await getDocs(first);
const length =;
return {
.slice(parsedPage * count, page * count)
.map((/** @type {{ data: () => object; }} */ doc) =>,
totalPages: Math.ceil(length / count),
update entire collection
* @param {string} table
* @param {object} newValue
const setTable = async (table, newValue) => {
for (const key of Object.keys(newValue)) {
const dataRef = doc(db, table, key);
const dataSnap = await getDoc(dataRef);
if (dataSnap.exists()) {
const localData = { ...newValue[key] };
await setDoc(doc(db, table, key), localData);
return true;