
Southern Illinois University ACM students and projects.

SIU ACM Students

Submit a pull request to add to the list.


Keep the list alphabetical by surname. SIU alumni welcome!
| Name | [Github](url) | [Personal Site](url) |

Name Github Personal Site
Ayush Kohli akohli96 akohli96.github.io
Jacob Reed jake32321 jake-reed.com
Ethan Richardson ethanx94 richardsonethan.me
Scott Weaver unmonk WeaverScott.com


Keep the list alphabetical by project name.

Name Description
FollowSIU.py A script to follow everyone listed on this page, because laziness.
siucacm website Home Webpage of SIUCACM
ACM_GamerTag_DB Database of ACM Gamertags
SalukiLan Website Home Webpage of SalukiLan
SigGame SigGame
auth_siucacm Authentication for SIUCACM Computers
lprms Lan Party Registration Management System