
A very simplistic approach to bundling assets/files/data in an archive fashion. Originally meant for images, now functions as an all-purpose archive module.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

Binary Archive Module

A Solar2D Lua module for reading and writing binary archive files for storing resources.


  • Support for multiple archive files in same project.
  • Allows caching (optional) of fetched data, minimizing disk access.
  • Provides a set of wrapper functions to facilitate the creation of certain Solar2D objects using assets stored in archive, see DOCS.
  • In compliance with Solar2D's dynamic image selection when creating newImageRect and newImageSheet objects.
  • Uses AES-256 for data encryption; now optional by default.
  • Not limited to files, any data in form of String can be easily appended, and retrieved, such as data encoded in JSON or any possible API or license keys you may be using with certain Solar2D plugins, etc.


  • While the purpose of using this type of archive is, in part, loading assets without disk extraction, in this fashion it is currently limited to png, jpg, and jpeg files, and common data.

    Any file can be appended, but would need to be extracted before it can be used. Please see FAQ for more details.

  • Size limit per file to append:

    • ~200 MB If not using encryption. (Limitation on Lua IO read(), currently processed in a single pass.)
    • ~100 MB If using encryption. (Limitation on ciphering without using chunks.)

Benchmark Numbers:

Tests performed on a PC with HDD (not SSD), 1.6 GB archive with 18,383 files, measured in seconds:

  • Creating the archive:
    • 28s with debug info enabled
    • 22s without debug
  • Loading the archive:
    • 3.0s with debug info enabled
    • 0.2s without debug
  • Creating 50 objects using 2 image files:
    • 0.012s loading directly from disk (not using archive)
    • 0.075s loading from archive without cache enabled
    • 0.002s loading from archive with cache enabled


build.settings (Plugins section)

	plugins =
		["plugin.Bytemap"] = { publisherId = "com.xibalbastudios" },
		["plugin.openssl"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" }, -- optional

Sample Code

Creating a new archive with default values:

-- load module
local bin = require( "m_binary_archive" )

-- specify full path where assets are located (all files will be appended, includes sub-directories)
local options = { baseDir = "D:/Projects/Solar2D/AwesomeProject/assets/graphics" }

-- create a new archive, output will be saved at baseDir

Loading and using an archive:

-- load module
local bin = require( "m_binary_archive" )

-- specify file to load, file path is relative to project where main.lua resides
local options = { file = "assets/data.bin" }

-- load binary file

-- create newImageRect using wrapper function; parameters are the same as display.newImageRect()
local balloon = bin.newImageRect( "SnapshotEraser/balloon.jpg", 200, 240 )

-- create new rectangle and apply object fill using custom function
local rect = display.newRect( 150, 150, 50, 50 )
	bin.imagePaint( rect, "Fishies/fish.small.red.png" )

-- create newImageRect and apply mask
local bg = bin.newImageRect( "FilterGraph/image.jpg", 480, 320 )
	bin.setMask( bg, "SnapshotEraser/mask.png" )
	bg.x = 240
	bg.y = 160

Wrapper Functions

These are designed to work in place of Solar2D API functions by the same name:

Note: Parameters and requirements are the same in all cases except for baseDir, this variable is neither used nor parsed as assets are stored in archive.

From display.* API:

	MODULE.newEmitter( emitterParams )
	MODULE.newImage( [parent,] filename, [x, y] )
	MODULE.newImageRect( [parent,] filename, width, height )

From graphics.* API:

	MODULE.newImageSheet( filename, options )
	MODULE.newMask( filename )
	MODULE.newOutline( coarsenessInTexels, imageFileName )
	MODULE.newTexture( params ) -- this returns a Bytemap texture used as a replacement for [graphics.newTexure](https://docs.coronalabs.com/api/library/graphics/newTexture.html)


	MODULE.compositePaint( object, filename1,  filename2 )	-- wrapper for [CompositePaint](https://docs.coronalabs.com/api/type/CompositePaint/index.html)
	MODULE.imagePaint( object, filename )					-- wrapper for [BitmapPaint] (https://docs.coronalabs.com/api/type/BitmapPaint/index.html)
	MODULE.setMask( object, filename )						-- wrapper for [graphics.setMask](https://docs.coronalabs.com/api/type/DisplayObject/setMask.html)

For more details on usage and samples please see DOCS


  • Dynamically-Selected Mask can be tentatively implemented in module so that no additional code is required as shown in Solar2D docs.


  1. What's the purpose of using an archive file?

    1. Hide project assets from plain sight.
    2. Implement a method of using bundled assets without extracting them to disk, such as a zip file. This has other implications, see below FAQ #7.
  2. How are archives created?

    Archives are created using Lua libraries (LFS and I/O) to read and append files into a single binary file.
    Additional information is added to help fetch files quickly.

  3. How many files can be stored in an archive?

    An arbitrary number of 4,294,967,295 .... that's probably more than enough. 😄

  4. Is there any overhead in disk space?

    Testing with 1.6 GB worth of data, +18k files, resulted in a 1.6 GB archive with about 1.5 MB of overhead.

  5. Are the files secured in the archive?

    All appended files and data can be optionally encrypted using AES-256, please see DOCS.

  6. What files can I store in an archive?

    You can append any type of file from disk, and any data in form of a String, but usage may vary, see below FAQ #7.

  7. What are the implications of using an archive for assets?

    The implication is that Solar2D API loads asset from disk, in particular these four directories.
    The loading of textures is currently supported by Bytemap plugin providing the ability to create external textures from Memory, these are not extracted anywhere on disk.
    For any other file types, you may need to extract them to any of the write-access directories before using them.

  8. Is there future plans for using other files in an archive without extracting them to disk?

    I think fonts and audio files are desirable to load from an archive, this would allow for most common applications to have assets fully bundled.
    However, a technical implementation in the engine, or by way of a plugin, is first required, and both are out of my scope-- I'm just doing the easy "packaging" part. 🙂
    It's worth noting that audio files will soon be usable from an archive; the same creator of the Bytemap plugin has a WIP project which also allows loading audio files from Memory.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.