This is the first project from Udacity's React Nanodegree program. It is developed through a barebones styled template and uses Udacity's custom-made Books API. The user can search for books to add and remove from their list. They can also move books between different shelves.
- install all project dependencies with
npm install
- start the development server with
npm start
- The app's homepage opens with the user's book list. Click on the arrow on the bottom-right corner of a book to open an drop-down menu to move a book to any shelf. To remove a book from the list, select "none"
- Click on the "+" icon on the bottom-right to search for any book. You can then then click on the bottom-right corner of any book to open a drop-down menu if you would like to add it to your list
- In the search page, click on the arrow on the top-right to move back to your home page
- The app uses React Router for navigation so '/' will take you to homepage, and '/search' will give you thte search page